Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Christmas In January

Can we pretend that it is not then end of January, and I am not extremely behind recapping our trip home and the holidays? Don't worry, I could give you all the excuses...busy, the FLU, work, taking care of the hubs, etc., but I won't. All that you need to know is that the time has come for me to share some of the amazing memories.

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Okay, so as most of you know, we went to Pensacola, Florida for the holidays.
We kicked off the trip at my Aunt's for our traditional Christmas Eve shindig, and it was every bit as wonderful as I remember and more. Plus I was happy to share it with Will for the first time.

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Three of the most important men in my life:
{Oh, and that sucker in orange is my BABY brother}

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Our Parental Units!

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This might be my most favorite photo EVER:

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Obviously, Christmas comes next...

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Granny B, SIL, and Big Brother

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I can't even describe how amazing it was to wake up in my childhood home on Christmas morning, to have Momma's Cinnamon Buns, to watch my brother enjoy one of his last few Christmas's as a 'child', and to be completely enveloped in love. Add the fact that Will was there and you have one blissfully happy girl.

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Momma reading the Advent Prayer

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And a never before seen picture of me:

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I think I look pretty much the same...Although, I might have had better style back then.
I rocked the heck out of those bib dresses.

I could go on about Christmas, but I will have to save it for another day. Surprisingly, things got crazy and we ended up at a dive bar with our parents. I promise it is as exciting as it sounds, and I will be happy to tell you more about it soon!


  1. Awwww what a beautiful and heart warming recap.

    So happy you were with your family and had the love of your life with you. Those people truly make a wonderful holiday.

    Love the picture of Will laughing, so precious!

    YOU were gorgeous as a child too, lucky!


  2. how fun!! I love christmas stuff, even if it is in January. And yes, need to hear more about this dive bar.

  3. So sweet. Sounds like it was perfect!

  4. This made me so happy! I love Christmas, so re-living yours in January was perfect! XOX

  5. Such sweet pictures...especially the one of Will and your grandmother (I'm assuming) and then you and your daddy. Just goes to show that we are never too older to be our Daddy's little girl.

  6. I love these pictures, such a wonderful family get together. :)

  7. I love all of these pictures! You have such a beautiful family and it looks like you all had a wonderful time!!

  8. Thanks for bringing us Christmas in January. That pic of grandma and will is quite precious. Glad you had an awesome Christmas and finally some actual time to recap!!

  9. These pictures are so awesome Janna and I LOVE the one of Will and his Gma. Please frame and send that to her!

  10. Looks like you had a blast!! Why was will only with his dad? (if that isn't toooo personal!)

  11. i loved seeing all this sweetness in your life :)

  12. LOVE the pictures!! What a PERFECT Christmas... but I can't wait to hear the story about the dive bar :)

  13. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Must have been so special to spend it with family and your husband. Hope you continue to have happy memories like these! :)

  14. Aww, what a wonderful Christmas! And such great photos! Love that you guys were all able to get together! Also, that photo of Will and your grandmother is THE BEST! I love it!

  15. I have yet to sit down and document Christmas either. Glad you got to spend it with family!

  16. HELLO skinny mini! You look great!! xo

  17. Awwwww Will is so happy. I love it. You were such a cute little girl but yes totally look the same! Your Christmas looks and sounded perfect!


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