Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolve: 2013

I'm not leaving next year up to chance or making "goals".
Goals are for sissys
Kristine and I aren't sissys, so we have teamed up to bring you Resolve: 2013!

Perception Is Everything

In 2013, I will...

+Be getting a new tattoo.


+Explore the West while we are still stationed here.
+Learn to moonshine with the hubby. {It's legal, we checked}
+Enjoy having my soldier back.


In 2013, I will not...

+Get mad at the pile of clothes that Will leaves in the corner.
+Stress about money.
+Overbuy groceries.
+Take our love for granted. (That's a given)
+Get pregnant. (will NOT)

In 2013, I hope...

+To celebrate my Anniversary with Will.
+To spend my Birthday with Will.
+To celebrate the holidays with Will.
+That the Army doesn't decide to get in the way of these things with will.

We had an amazing Date Day

In case you didn't realize, my main focus of 2013 is that studmuffin up there.
It's not my fault that a) he's so darn cute and b) I missed him for nine months this year. We are making up for lost time and I wouldn't have it any other way!

I also can't forget to mention that I plan to grow and learn more in blogging in 2013, and I hope to build even more/stronger relationships with all of you. YOU guys are what got me through the deployment, so I hope that I can be there for all of you this year. You need me? You got me :)

Perception Is Everything

We would love for you all to participate, so please show your hostesses some love by following us, link up, and grab a button! Let's get 2013 started off right.

Thanks for partnering with me, Kristine. Love ya!


  1. Well goodness I feel like I should add mine onto this linkup too! There are too many places to link up for these things ahh.

    But I'm loving yours as well. But how does one ever "overbuy" groceries. You can never have enough, that's my motto.

  2. YOu both are too cute! Love your resolve!

  3. Enjoy exploring the west and making some delish Moonshine! So happy for you to have your soldier home. Can't blame you for wrapping the entire next year around him! You all are too cute! Happy New Year to you!!

  4. Send some moonshine my way, lady! Is it creepy that I want you guys to have a baby!? You're too pretty not to! :)

  5. I love this. I am so happy that you husband is home to enjoy 2013 with you! :)

  6. You guys are so adorable! :) Love this link up!


  7. Yup! No babies here either AND def adding another tattoo too! Love you hun! Thanks again for hosting with me! 2013 #bringiton

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  8. I am a huge fan of lists, but don't really dig the whole 1 resolution for a year thing. You list is awesome! This year I definitely plan to get 2 tattoos (Aiden and Baby's names) and definitely want to make my marriage even better than it already is. I see so many couples with families loose what they they started out with and there is no way I will let the fire burn out in my marriage. Those are my biggest goals, as well as to finish up school!

  9. Wishing you health and happiness in 2013. I'm so glad he's home. <3

  10. You know, I was so, so considering putting "Not having a baby" on my list of what I'm doing this year...but then I just thought it was too risky. I almost felt like if I wrote it, then I would be proved wrong. But that's just because I don't 100% believe that all the strategies of not getting pregnant work. :P
    And I love your goal of not getting mad about Will's clothes--it's really choice, sometimes I just have to stop myself and choose not to be annoyed over habits of Angel's, too!

  11. WOOHOO! what a great idea miss thang! I LOVE owning 2013, I got this!

    Your expectations are perfect. I would have the same goals if I were in your shoes. Your studmuffin is so perfect for you and I'm so glad yall are so happy!

    HAPPY 2013 sweet girl! xoxo

  12. Hey Jana!
    I love this post.
    Your goals are perfect... exactly what I'd be planning for myself if my hub had just come home from deployment.

    I soooo feel you there, as I'm also a military spouse and my honey has done two of those long 9 monthers in the desert.

    I hope you both have a wonderful year!! Tell your man I say thank so much for his service!

    (new follower & linked up!)

  13. Can't wait to see the new tat ;) Happy New Year gal!

  14. What tattoo are you getting?! I've been toying with the idea of getting another one! I think 2013 will be great for you!

  15. I'm itching to get a new tat but IDK where to get it!

  16. separations sucks but absence really does make the heart grow fonder! It gives you so much perspective and appreciation for your partner. Enjoy making up all that lost time with Will. Can't wait to see your new tat! I'm too chicken to get even one!

  17. I think focusing on your significant other is the most important thing, so I am right there with you friend!

  18. Gettign tattoo #6 is on my 2013 to-do list as well. Overbuy groceries - What? Feel free to send your "extra" to my house.

  19. I love WILL NOT get pregnant... lol :). That cracked me up. I love that you're not making resolutions. I never do because I never keep them :). But doing, that's great!

  20. Making the main goal in spending time with that man snack of yours would be my priority too!!! I am so happy that you guys are finally back together!! I am not getting pregnant (again) either!! LOL!

  21. Great post girl! I definitely should have set some goals of things I want to make sure I don't do this coming year. Adore ;)
    xo TJ

  22. great list do you know what your new tattoo will be of

  23. I love tattoos, I can't wait to see what you get for your next one! They're addicting, aren't they?

    You'll love making moonshine, it's so much fun and super delicious! :)

  24. I'm baaaaaaccckkkk!!!!! For good too. You will be getting sick of me I swear. And moonshine with the husband? WHAT is that??

    and Janna I am the WORST at overbuying groceries! I go in with a few things I need and an overflowing cart and $200 bucks later I walk about pissed. So me too.

    and why no baby in 2013????????????????

  25. Yum! My brother made moonshine over the holidays. So good!

  26. By west you mean the coast right?? ;) like Portland

  27. Looks like you've got a great list! As I make my grocery list right now I am reminded not to overbuy - thanks!

    I joined in on this link up :)

  28. That is such a great list of things you ARE going to accomplish, and I love this link-up thank you so much for hosting it! You are so right. No room for failure. No goals. Just WILLS!

  29. It's going to be such a great year for you, friend! Fun goals! I especially love your list of things you won't stress about! :)

  30. I lalala love the Will, Won't and Hope for 2013. I need to get my 'ish together and get this together to link up. I'm soooo with you on the overbuying groceries thing. So much goes to waste! I'm going to try not to stress about money as well, and try to pay off our ridiculous CC debt. Much love and happiness to you in the New Year! xoxoxo

  31. love your lists! i'm definitely going to be getting at least 1 tattoo this year as well. and i need to not overbuy on groceries either. what a waste!

  32. Haha love your 2013 goals! It's definitely time for more adventures with hubbies! And I've been wanting a new tattoo too!

  33. Will is one lucky guy!! I hope the Army doesn't spoil your plans this year. You two deserve some quality time together this year!!

  34. Hahahaha... making up for all that lost time just MIGHT end with a pregnancy ;) Totally teasing! You and Will are going to have SO much fun! 2013 is going to be a GREAT year for you two!

  35. Love your list girlie definitely a great way to make 2013 a kick-ass year. I just got a new tattoo a few weeks ago and plan on getting another one soon. There will be pics!!

  36. Cheers to getting a new tattoo and not getting pregnant! HAHA!

  37. FANTASTIC PERSPECTIVE! And I'm glad that you're making it about you and Will. He is your number one and I know how much you missed him!

  38. Well it sounds like you are going to have a great 2013!

  39. Love this post. And those sunglasses in the last picture! What brand are they might I ask!?!?


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!