Friday, December 7, 2012

My Minion Army

Today is my Monday and my Friday!
Yep, only working one day this week, and then I get to enjoy the first REAL weekend alone with my lovah. There are already a few plans including going shooting with our proclaimed son, Buck, but all that matters is that we get to spend the whole thing together!

I was trying to find the convo where Will reminded me that I'm not working weekends now that he's home, but instead I found this one. When I read it, I said, "Seriously, we crack me up."

I have regulars at work, and a lot of them are affiliated with the Military (Government contractors and such), and I tend to find out behind the scenes information from Will's unit before he even gets said info. Totally not protocol, but I take what I can get.


I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, because I know that WE will!
It feels so good to say "we" again ;)


  1. All of your posts about him being home make me so happy! Reminds me of how it felt when my boyfriend came back from Afghanistan... there's no better feeling in the world than being reunited with the one you love! Enjoy it girl :)

  2. Have a fab time together!!!

    I am doing a Holiday Giveaway from Sephora! Hope you stop by and enter!

    Happy Holidays,

    Brooke♥ ❤ ❥

  3. haha love it - adorbs! Totally all for this novel

  4. That's hysterical! Hope you enjoy your weekend and so so glad you get to have a "we" weekend!

  5. If you guys were having that much fun online, I can only imagine what your real-life conversations must be like! :)

  6. Enjoy your weekend with your boo :)

  7. WOOOHOOO for weekend together!

    so exciting girlie! xoxo

  8. hahaha, I think the best part of finding your perfect someone, is being able to be a complete goofball and silly around (and with) them. Love! :)

  9. Love it! I want you to have ginga minions!

  10. hahaha gingas. YOU crack me up! ANd thanks for the package of goodies, I can't wait to use the spa kit (especially since I am single parenting for the next two weeks while Kev is in Germany working. Lord knows Ill need it at the end of the day.) You are too sweet!

  11. hahaha love this Janna, y'all are so cute. I'm so happy you get to have some time with him!

  12. Hahaha I love this...nothing wrong with having your own minion army. I think I had a few minions when we were still at Bragg. :)

  13. Haha! That is really funny! Glad you get to spend quality time with your hunny this weekend! It is amazing when you finally get to say "we" again, isn't it? :)

  14. so happy that your man is home, and i love your blog! :)


  15. Hahahaha! Cracks me up! You two are hilarious!

  16. Came over from Erin's blog! Following you now, dear. I hope you enjoy your weekend with your "lovah".

  17. So glad that you're a WE again :) Makes me happy knowing how complete and happy you are!!!

  18. "Gingas" I'm dying laughing! Ya'll are the cutest!

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  19. i hope you have a dirty, i mean, great weekend! and i'm sure you will!!!!

  20. Haha you guys crack me up, and you are geniuses :D I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend ;D!!!


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