Monday, December 10, 2012

Capture THAT. A Day In The Life

Erin has the most random link ups and that's why I love them.
I find out about them with two days to get it done, so it's a race against time and always fun.
Today's inspiration is sharing "A day in the life..." or something like that.

If this had come up a few weeks ago, I would not have bored you with my lack of action. Now that Will is home, there is a LOT of action, and it's not just in the bedroom. Buhdumdum tsshh.

Well, let's just get on with it ;)


Don't I look festive with my Christmas mug?
I use that mug year around.


My stud muffin likes to work out a lot. Now that he's home, I'm thinking I will test the waters, and at least it's extra time with him on the weekends. Let's just see if it lasts.


We are blessed with mild winters in my area of Colorado, but those low temps are finally showing up on the Doppler. That meant it was time for us to gather some wood.


While Will split the wood, I started Apple Crisp in the Crockpot with the overabundance of apples my MIL left with us. I used a generic recipe from Pinterest, but used sugar substitute (gotta regulate my sugar levels) and used a Strawberry Medley cereal for the topping. Made the house smell AMAZING.


Obviously, our life revolves around food... I'm okay with that.
We love cooking together, and we love making "bad" recipes a lot more healthy. You just can't beat homemade pizza and the slash in calories that comes with it.

But the best part...


I simply can't think of anything I'd rather be doing than snuggling by the fire with my amazing hubby. It's the little things in life that make each day special.


December 16th is my Blogiversary, so we are kicking off a giveaway today in that honor!
I can't believe that it has been two years already, and yet, it feels like just yesterday that I had an audience of none. (Hubby didn't even read at the beginning, Tsk Tsk.) Now, however, I feel incredibly blessed to call this little space my own and to have this outlet, not to mention all of the support you all give me. As such, this giveaway is to thank YOU for sticking around.

I have enlisted the help of some elves, and I must say they are the best "helpers" around.
You will love them, so show 'em some love.


Elf Kristine does our market research with her two lovely little girls. She also spreads cheer with that smile of hers, and her stinkin' cute headbands. Don't tell the {boy} elves that I told you, but they totally rock the headbands when know one is around. It holds their ears in.

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Elf Alana is our house comedian. We all have those rough days when the toy line isn't in sync, the Naughty list is fluctuating, and there is no milk for the cookies (major meltdown), but she gets us laughing.  All the while looking fabulous. She doesn't let #ElfProbs get her down.

Blog || Bloglovin'


Elf Lesley is our makeup artist. The Bratz Dolls are her biggest fans, but she thinks they wear too much makeup for their age. I hear ya girl. However, I'd rather make those than those dang Furbabies. Why are those popular again?

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Elf Coley handles the education. She's a Saint, because to be honest...elves can be quite unruly. They're all like "We know how to make toys. We don't need Algebra!" Oh yes you do, munchkins! It makes you more well rounded elves...or so I'm told.



Elf Cynthia keeps us fed with her love for food. Whether it be whipping up some cookies (I won't tell you who forgets to buy the milk *cough Cynthia cough*), making a hearty meal, or her laid back attitude, she can calm down the most unruly of elves. She knows the way to an elves heart is through their stomachs. Smart woman ;)

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Winner will be featured on my sidebar next month, a TARGET Giftcard, and win all of these fabulous prizes:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Just 'cause it's Monday, doesn't mean it has to be a bad day.
Good luck to you all and just know that I love each and every one of you!


  1. LOVE your outfit that you wore cutting wood! Adorable! I am so so happy for you that Will is home and you are getting to spend so much quality time together! Good job at the gym this weekend! Kill it! I also love the who making pizza at home! I usually do that but sometimes like yesterday I order in a pizza get it and realize how much I really hate ordering pizza! So nasty! Are you gonna share the recipe for the apple crisp you made? I LOVE me some apple crisp!

  2. First of all.... love your day in the life!! you are just so cute, even in the morning, not fair!

    my blogging timeline is very weird. I started my blog under a different name. Did it for 3 months and stopped. Then I started blogging again september of this year with Helene in Between!

  3. what a wonderful day!! chopping wood and sitting by the fire would be my favorite part. Oh and the pizza :)

  4. WOOHOO for the gym, work it out seksi lady!

    That apple crisp looks fantastic!

    I wanan learn how to chop wood and look as cute as you!


  5. I have been wanting to try the apple crisp in the crock pot!! I bet it smelled deeeelicious! Yalls pizzas look yummy!

  6. If you're interested in adopting, I'm available! You guys are just so damn cute. Chopping firewood and His & Hers pizza. I just love it!

  7. That was quite the relaxing day! Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your giveaway! P.S. What happened to the Target giftcard?

  8. Love reading your blog daily!! I've only been blogging since February of this year, but love my little space!

  9. You are just beautiful. That sounds like the most perfect day!!! :) So glad you are back with your love!! Makes me happy!!!!

  10. What a fabulous day! :)
    And what a fun bunch of elves! hehe

  11. I just started blogging in November, the itch has been there but after following a few great blogs the past few months its given me the inspiration to get started and stick with it!

  12. Looks like a fabulous day to me! It seems weird to hear you don't get the "normal" Colorado weather!

  13. I love that I found you on Living Yellow! I love your blog and I'm your newest follower :)


  14. love this post! the apple crisp looks amazing!!! your blog is darling, now following you!! xo ps come enter our giveaway!

  15. The cutting wood picture is one of my favorites of you haha. Too cute!

    And props to getting yourself to the gym. I haven't don't that in quite a long time.

    Buhdumdum tsshhh just made my whole day.

  16. Sounds like such a wonderful weekend! and homemade apple cider??? YUM!

    Your bloggerversary is my baby's birthday! :-) Celebrating the big F-O-U-R this weekend!

  17. Loved your day in the life. In the morning it's coffee and blog reading for me at work. I think it's great that hubby can influence you to work out. Sometimes we just need that extra push and when they are doing it sometimes we get the energy to jump on the bandwagon. That Pizza looks delish! Awesome prizes. Hope I win!!

  18. You look stunning even when you wake up in the morning! Looks like the perfect day!! I am so happy Will is home!!! And OMG blog anniversary?! Ahhhhhh congrats! So thankful you started this blog bc we might've never met if not. Love you gf!!!

  19. Ok I wish I looked half as good as you do when I wake up in the morning. SO pretty!

  20. Apple crisp and pizza, sounds great!

  21. Holy Moly, I wish I looked that good in the morning! Awesome giveaway and loved all the pictures. Great post!

  22. This is such a fun giveaway. I love that you have showed me so many fun blogs to read! I have been blogging for about a year. Gosh, I don't even really know!!

  23. Love the photos!
    Now I'm craving pizza!
    Anyway, I wanted to personally thank you for becoming a new follower on my blog! I fell in love with your blog, so I'm now your 850th follower..that's crazy!!
    I'm excited to follow along & even more excited for your awesome Blogiversary giveaway!!

  24. Love the photos!
    Now I'm craving pizza!
    Anyway, I wanted to personally thank you for becoming a new follower on my blog! I fell in love with your blog, so I'm now your 850th follower..that's crazy!!
    I'm excited to follow along & even more excited for your awesome Blogiversary giveaway!!

  25. I've had a personal blog to just update my family for several years off and on and started my current blog in October. :)

  26. You and Will definitely know how to spend a GOOD day together :) LOVE all the fun things you're doing... it really is the simple things that make life so great :)

  27. I've actually been blogging for 5 years, but Running in Stilettos is only 3 years old.

  28. looks like you had a fun day! love the picture of the fireplace. i sure miss the days of when i had one.

    thanks for letting me be a part of the giveaway (:

  29. What a great giveaway!!
    I've been blogging like 2/3 yrs?! I honestly can't remember!

  30. I love this idea! If only my days were as fun filled as yours! :)

  31. Such a cute mug! Love that you use it all year long (er... or not... you know, whichever;). And you are beautiful. And your outfit is precious. And I love that you guys chopped wood. And I love that your days sometimes revolve around food (ours definitely do too). Really this whole post made me smile. :)

  32. Loving your Christmas ideas!

    I believe I've officially been blogging for 7 months now.

  33. ummm you look prettier at 9am than I do all day. Such a supermodel!

  34. I have been blogging since July 2012 :)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!