Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Not Coming Back.

Not to brag or anything...
Haha who am I kidding? I am totally going to brag and say that I am still in Florida until tomorrow!
I have spent the weekend exploring all my old haunts, livin' it up at the W Hotel on the Beach, and enjoying some much needed relaxation. I guess I did get a vacation from my last vacation ;)


I parked my butt by that pool as much as I could, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I think it has made me decide that we need to live near a pool the next time we move. If I have to be landlocked, I at LEAST need a pool in my life. A tropical climate wouldn't hurt either ;)

a beautiful sunset

Now that you officially hate me, remember that I stayed home, alone, during this whole deployment. I think I deserve a little release before the hubby comes home. I want to make sure I'm not building stress on top of stress while awaiting his return. If that makes sense.

Needless to say...mission accomplished :)


  1. So jealous, but you definitely deserve it! :) Enjoy!

  2. Ahh jealous but happy that you're having a much needed vacation!

  3. Totally don't hate you! Happy you get to enjoy it :)

  4. ugh so gorgeous. makes me need a vacation!

  5. Looks so peaceful! Hope you are enjoying yourself!

  6. Jealous! Looks like a wonderful trip and I hope you feel refreshed and relaxed.
    Thanks for sharing your photos.
    PS: What do the stairs going under the pool go to?

  7. Totally envious! Glad you got to have a relaxing, tropical, getaway (:

  8. Good for you! You need to take time for yourself and unwind. Your husband will be home before you know it! Glad you were able to get back to Florida and relax! :)

  9. You are a saint, and deserve every vacation and good thing coming to you :) Glad you're taking some time out for yourself!

  10. You definitely deserve the vacation! Now I just need to figure out how to make that pool be here. Like now.
    Enjoy the last day of your vacay!! Xoxo

  11. Enjoy your time there girl! When my man was gone I took tons of little trips, I noticed that whenever you're somewhere new the time passes a little faster and you worry a little less. I'm glad to hear he'll be home soon!

  12. Oh my gosh your so stinkin' cute! Love your blog! new follower!

  13. Nice sunset pic! Looks like you're having a great time! :) Totally a good idea before Will gets home.

  14. So jelly you're staying at the W!!! You deserve it tho gf!!! Wish I was there to see u & nicholl. It's no fair!

  15. Beautiful pictures! And you totally deserve a little vacation before the hubby gets home!

  16. Looks so relaxing! Did you love the Hotel?



  17. Jealous? Hell YEAH!!!!
    Wish I was there for a holiday!

  18. gorgeous!
    i can't wait to live closer to the beach. it's perfect there.
    hope you had a great trip.

  19. So glad you have had some time away! It all looks so gorgeous! Every time we visit the beach we ask ourselves why we don't live there, haha!

  20. If you decide not to go home, then I'm coming to visit you and watch some gorgeous sunsets with you! Dang I'm jealous :)

  21. Ummmmmmmm you 1000% deserve that vacation! Smart cookie to just relax before the hubby gets back. Good to have something to look forward to, besides him coming home.

    And you'll be supa tan and seksi!



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