Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Big News...

IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!! I have some AMAZING but shocking news! I AM EXPECTING!!!!! A little under 8 weeks and counting! I know, I'm shocked too! I can hardly believe it myself. I wasn't going to post it on blogger but since y'all are my family and friends, I wanted to make it official. I'm too overwhelmed to keep it a secret!!! 
Who would have guessed that me, would be expecting.... But I am!! I am expecting Santa in just 8 weeks! 

Source: google.com via Janna on Pinterest

Hehe Did I get'ya?
I'm going to assume I did, because I posted that to Facebook last week and caused all kinds'a raucous.


I'm pretty sure that there are a bunch of family and friends that still think I'm pregnant. Whoops.
It's their own fault for not paying attention to the fact that Will is gone and/or thinking I cheated on him. I'm pretty sure that the haters are showing their true colors by jumping to conclusions.
Haters gon' hate.

Does anyone remember Upsexy?
Best prank text EVER.


  1. I TOTALLY did this too!! #greatminds

    An upsexy?!?!?! CLASSIC!!! I'm dying laughing now remembering how funny it was! I need to find another "victim"


    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  2. I pay attention! Because as soon as I read the "8 weeks" I was like...I could have sworn her husband has been away for a while...
    And then I saw the Santa! A little mischief to start the season!

  3. I posted that on my status a few weeks back (got it from a friend) and my family and friends went nuts posting then they finished reading the whole status. If was pretty comical. I got a good laugh out of it. !!

  4. I had to read it twice, LOL!
    Nice one!

  5. I might use this because my family is always on my case about getting pregnant and I think it would really get them going!

  6. HAHAHA love this - and I DO remember Upsexy.....toooo funny!

  7. Oh Jenna, you're a trip girly. Don't stop believing... I won't.

  8. HAHAHHA! Hilarious, and hilarious that people were still commenting congrats!! ;) And yes, upsexy was CLASSIC!!

  9. I so didn't fall for it (for once)!! I was sitting there thinking, she hasn't seen Will in way longer than that and there's no way she would cheat. I can't believe family believed you! lol

  10. Lol, I knew it couldn't be true with your hubby being away. The first thing I thought was, "how is that possible???" :p

  11. What's Upsexy?

    LOL...nothin, what's up with you?? he he he

    As soon as I started reading it, I knew if wasn't true b/c Will has been gone :) But good prank to play on everyone!

  12. When I read this my immediate thought was...wait, her husband isn't home?! How could this happen?! Good one!!!


  13. I was so so confused when I read this. I was like, wait a second! WILL IS GONE!! Haha good job pretty lady :)

  14. You had me...seriously. But then I didn't know how that worked with Will gone. Luckily I kept reading before jumping to write my congrats comment :) Hehehe!

  15. OMG! I was so confused trying to figure out how your husband had been on leave and I somehow missed reading about it! Then I scrolled down. You are so mean and hilarious. Love it!!

  16. Haha! My friend did that and I totally fell for it and made quite the ruckus.. now I know better (:

  17. Aw, shoot. I am always the last person to get these things ;) Hahaha I totally fell for this.

  18. Stop it. I was so excited at first. And then I was like damn she was just posting pics in bathing suits like yesterday. Good one.

  19. hahahaha the upsexy thing. i loved that. definitely going to be bringing that back tomorrow! :)

  20. hahah! I totally fell for that the other day when my friend posted something similar.

  21. OH MY GOSH!!!! I almost fell out of my chair. I thought, what the HELL?!?!??! hahahaah. goofball! Your soldier will be hm in 2 weeks and then you can get to the baby making. MWAH

  22. I had to do a double take - wait, whose blog did I click on?!? HA! Upsexy was the best thing ever. So happy you get to see yo man SOON!

  23. Omg I was so damn excited lol but that's okay I'll just be more excited when you are (one day!) hahaha xo

  24. Hahahaha! Oh girl, you got me for a second before I had a moment to stop and think, ha! Very funny!

  25. Aww congrats... such exciting news!

  26. BAHAHAHA amazing! I can't wait for Santa to arrive either :)

  27. Tooo funny girl! I love those status updates!


  28. Lol...I was totally going to congratulate you...oh well this is awesome too!

  29. hahaha this is hilarious. I love that people didn't finish reading and just congratulated you...awesome. Hasn't Will been gone almost a year?! ha.


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