Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I am happy to say that we fared Sandy quite well!
We didn't even lose power, and I just hope to hear good news from all of you, as well.
In other good news, go check out the giveaway on Living In Yellow! There are 28 fabulous prizes, so you don't want to miss out. I can't put the link, because I am having limited internet capabilities, but you can find Erin's button on my sidebar. I'm assuming you probably already know her fabulousness, but if not...RUN and check her out!

I also hope you all have your costumes ready, but just in case, here's a little more inspiration from my fave fashionista! Now it's time for my vacation to really kick off, and Kelly is kind enough to take over for the day. What would I do without you GF?


hellllllllo loves & Happy Halloween!!! so while Janna is off celebrating her birthday I'm here today to get you all in the spirit for Halloween tomorrow!!! Some of you might already know me but for those of you who don't - I'm Kelly & I write a fashion & lifestyle blog called Messy.Dirty.Hair. 

I love celebrating the holidays...any holiday. Halloween happens to be one of my favorites. However, at the age I am at now - 27 - I feel like we don't get to participate in all the fun of Halloween like we used too. I trick -or-treated alllllll the way up until I had to leave for college. I know a lot of people stop when they reach high school but I kept going. To be honest, I still would if people didn't ask me my age. I don't understand why there needs to be an age limit to trick-or-treating. But anyways I have had a lot of really fun Halloweens...so I'm just going to take you down Halloween memory lane -----> 

oh yes that's a paint on mustache 

Don't you just love my junky 80's Minnie Mouse Costume? I was only 3 years old here circa 1988

Sorry for the bad picture quality - i had to take a picture of a picture

again bad picture quality - this was 4th grade, I am in the middle - I was Pebbles Flintstone

Sooo fast forward to college & Halloween is even more fun because it's a whole weekend of Halloween which means-----> multi-costumes!! I remember we would celebrate Halloween for 3-4 days. And for each party I had a different costume. 

And we all know Halloween is the one time when we can get away with the 'sexy' costumes. Everything always ends up sexy - sexy doctor, sexy pumpkin, sexy race car driver. It always cracks me up. 

One thing though is my mom would never let me spend a lot of money on Halloween costumes when I was younger. I hated her for it. But I realized as I got older I was glad she made me be more creative because in college I never bought anything, I just made costumes with what I had or what friends had. Take a peek --->

'sexy' captain hook 

so totally 80s

'sexy' boy scout

not really sexy cowgirl...& i hated this costume btw. nothing about me is country.

So when I got a boyfriend of course I made him and I dress as a pair.....& by the way, if he knew this photo of him was on a public site he would kill me so shhhhh
Captain Hook & Peter Pan

& then of course the next year I had to change it up a little bit. I hate repeating costumes...but the BF stayed the same except we got a legitimate Peter Pan hat from Disneyland

Tinkerbell & Peter Pan

And now because I have had to work every Halloween I just went with a simple Cat costume 

so proud of our pumpkin carving skills

'sexy' cat

However my favorite thing about Halloween is seeing all the little kiddos all dressed up. I happen to babysit the cutest kids EVER, so last Halloween we had a mini costume photo shoot
Ladybug, Cat, Mr. Incredible
Ladybug had a costume change - she's a bunny! 

So I hope you all enjoyed a little trip down Halloween memory lane!...& even if you have to work on Halloween still dress up! I don't think we are ever too old to dress up!!! 

& before I go ---- HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY JANNA!!!!! I hope you're having the best birthday!!! 

& just a little note to all of you ---- don't forget to wish Janna a HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow...or else Dolce the cop will come & get you 

The story behind this picture can be found HERE

How freakin' cute is Dolce the cop?
Seriously, check out the story. Dolce is famous!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for taking over today, Kelly!
You flatter me, and have helped to make my Birthday month one of the best ever. As have all of you, as a matter of fact. {Insert melting heart} I don't know what I would do without this little blog and all of you. Catch ya tomorrow when I'm one year older ;)


  1. I love guest posts...So fun to read a little change of pace! Looks, like you've had some great Halloweens, Kelly!

  2. How cute! I love the sexy cat the most!



  3. ugh!
    glad that you are safe!
    our internet died all day yesterday courtesy of the lightning hit, which drove everyone crazy. happy early birthday Janna!!!

  4. You've done A LOT of dressing up over the years which is so cool! I feel like I've wanted to get into Halloween but never really have. It's not too late for me to be a sexy something one year though.

  5. Happy early birthday! And Kelly is awesome.

  6. I think halloween is sometimes just an excuse to dress like a skank! hahaha, but I'm guilty of it too! In college, EVERYTHING was "sexy"...cop, pirate, cowgirl, etc.

  7. I just love Kelly! Loved the Tinkerbell and Peter Pan couples costume! Too cute!

    Happy early birthday, Janna!!! xoxo

  8. hahahaha awesome costumes Kelly!! happy early Birthday Janna!!!

  9. Aaahh!! Happy almost Birthday, Janna! I won't be on the computer at all tomorrow so I have to say it now :) I hope you have the BEST day because no one deserves it more than you!

  10. Glad you were okay through the storm! We lost power last night and it's still not back yet, but that was the worst of it, thankfully!

  11. Glad that you made it through the storm ok.

  12. So glad to hear that you are safe!!
    Love the costumes (:

  13. All the costumes are so cute! LOVE it! Glad you made it through Sandy ok!

  14. All the costumes are so cute! LOVE it! Glad you made it through Sandy ok!

  15. I never really went trick or treating.. Maybe Jr High only. My dad was not a big fan of allowing us.. :/

    Very cute costumes!!! :) So fun to dress up! :)

  16. Aww you made such a cute pebbles! All your costumes look great. Love your cat :D xoxo

  17. thank god your alive & ok! phew! thank you for letting me guest post! I had so much fun!!!! LOVE YOU TO PIECES!

  18. I love the picture of Kelly with the cutest little bunny that I've ever seen!

  19. Aww, love both you girls! Happy Bday Janna! It's only an hour away so wanted to get it in early. ;)
    And Kelly, nice costumes! I haven't dressed up in years. Last time I was a "Queen Bee" and I used an old gold prom dress. Cheap and easy!

  20. So glad you survived Sandy, Janna!!

    And Kelly, the costumes are great!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!