Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Time

HEY, hey!
Checking in from the East Coast, and yes, I am still on vacay in spite of Hurricane Sandy.
Crazy, I know.

If you want to see pictures and shenanigans from this weekend catch up on Twitter and @jrbogert for Instagram. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to link you to Instagram because I only recently realized that it's more than just a photo editor, but I'm sure you all know what you are doing ;)

I have a treat for you tomorrow, so see ya then!
Oh, and wish us luck for the hurricane!
I'd love it if we don't lose power.
Or flood.

PSSSST: You have until Friday to sign up for the Christmas Swap!

Gift Swap

P.S. Excuse any mistakes this week, because I'm blogging with limited capabilities. Vacation problems ;)


  1. Ohhh, please be careful!! I'll be praying!

  2. Stay safe and have a fun vacation!

  3. Stay warm, dry and safe! Ohio is windy, rainy and cold! They are talking snow this week! Eeeek!

  4. Stay safe gf! Ill be checking up on you! I'm excited for tomorrow's post :).....2 days!!!!!!!! Love you!

  5. First off Stay safe! And secondly, what do you mean by this?? "I only recently realized that it's more than just a photo editor"

  6. be safe!!! wishing the best for you!

  7. I have an account w/ what allows me to share my Instagram through the computer... :)

    Be safe and have tons o' fun!!!!!!! xo

  8. Hope you stay safe!! Can't wait to hear what you have going tomorrow!

  9. Love your blog! You're doing a great job!! :) Would you like to maybe follow each other? Let me know!


  10. Have fun and be safe!

  11. Vacations can not be interrupted! ;)
    Just stay safe! I hope it doesn't kill your power or flood you, either. Ugh, what a hassle that crap must be.
    Looking forward to the next step in the holiday swap. :)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!