Monday, September 17, 2012

Summertime Fun

Hello Monday...We meet again.

I was a good girl and said no to multiple texts and calls begging me to go out Friday and Saturday night, which actually gave me time to pick up around the house. I'm lame, I know.
Ask me if I care? Haha.

I DEFINITELY wasn't going out Saturday night after the LONGEST day of work ever.
I made double what I normally make, but it almost wasn't worth it.
It was one of those days when we were short staffed, the kitchen was full of new cooks, and the manager wasn't "equipped" to handle the day, i.e. yours truly had a full section and STILL ended up in the kitchen and handling the staff.

Come Sunday... None of that mattered.
We got to squeeze one more day of summer on the boat!


The weather was perfect, a blast was had by all, and I didn't get a fat lip this time!
{more about that later}


I will be making a video of the wake surfing and will definitely share more pictures, but for now... I am in a food coma because we called in Chinese and had it meet us at my house. Plus it's past my bedtime. Unfortunately, it's back to the grind manana.

 I hope that you all had a great weekend too!

Oh, and if You are interested in winning free access and download of  My Memories Suite, go here to enter! Today is the last day.


  1. Ughhhh shifts like that are server nightmares comes true. I feel your pain ... sometimes being good at our job means we have to bear the burden of others who can't.

  2. YOU are a rock star! Bummer it was a stressful shift, but yay fore $$!


  3. I am dying for another lake day soon before it gets too cold. We don't have long here either because it's getting into the 50's-60's at night. Looks like a fun low key weekend.

  4. The boat looks like a blast!! At least you made double... woo hoo!

  5. I got china yesterday too and didn't move from my couch once all day. But that's because I DID go out and was definitely hungover instead of making bank like you.

  6. Glad your weekend was awesome:) I'm super jealous of your Chinese food, I love it but haven't had it in forever!

  7. What a fun weekend! Love the clouds in that last photo!

  8. Work hard, play hard!! Glad you enjoyed a nice day of fun after all that work.

  9. Sorry to hear that you had such a rough day at work, but at least you got to recover on the boat and in the sun! Hopefully that doesn't happen again anytime soon!

  10. Sometimes, staying home instead of going out is nice. Although, I stay home more than going out these days! Yay for making lots of $$ but it's not fun when it's stressful. Hopefully, this week will be better!
    Happy Monday!

  11. I would prefer to stay in than go out any day!! But the boat is a magical place. Love boat days!!

  12. Looks like y'all had a blast! I'd almost think the water would be getting cold, but maybe that doesn't matter ?!?! :)

  13. way to be strong and say no girl! it's good to have a productive night in every now and again.

    happy monday!

  14. Bummed that I didn't get to see you but glad you had so much fun on Sunday! Truth be told, I'm almost glad I didn't have to stand next to your skinny minnie self in my swim suit so there's that ;) Thanks for linking up love!

  15. I'm glad you got to go on the boat one last time! I'm sorry work was so awful! At least it's a new week! Glad you didn't go out Friday night, I enjoyed our texting! Love you gf! XO

  16. Glad you had fun at the lake! I'm heading there next weekend. Got Camdyn a life jacket haha so she's all set too :)

    You make me totallyyy miss serving! After college, I served at a breakfast restaurant for 3 years. Best job ever! I had those days too that we're sooo long and stressful, but it's nice to walk out with extra cash, as opposed to regular jobs where you make the same regardless of your stress.

    Hope you're having a good day!

  17. Glad you had fun at the lake! I'm heading there next weekend. Got Camdyn a life jacket haha so she's all set too :)

    You make me totallyyy miss serving! After college, I served at a breakfast restaurant for 3 years. Best job ever! I had those days too that we're sooo long and stressful, but it's nice to walk out with extra cash, as opposed to regular jobs where you make the same regardless of your stress.

    Hope you're having a good day!

  18. Oh food comas they are so fab and so bad at the same time

  19. some friday nights are like that for us. very calm, but deserving.

    glad you were able to squeeze one more day on the boat! it's getting chilly here already! i'm excited for bonfires & late nights :)

  20. I'm so glad you took some time for you, even if you did spend the night cleaning ; )

  21. The best way to spend any summer day is out on the water in a boat!!!! Its were I spent every weekend in Texas when I lived back home. I absolutely LOVE to water ski!!!!

  22. I wish I was able to spend the weekend at the beach. Looks like you guys had a blast!

  23. OMG, that last shot is beyond amazing!!! I hope you got to rest up after your long day at work!!!

  24. Looks like a great weekend. I need your workout plan so I look like that in a bikini!!

  25. Gorgeous sunset!!

    And can you come over and pick up around my place? I can never seen to do it lol ;)

    Thanks for linking up!

  26. Look at you rocking that teeny bikini, hot lady!

  27. So lovely! Glad you were able to squeeze in one more summer day :)


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