Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can I Pull Off Glasses?

I've had them before, but it's been quite sometime since I broke that pair. Whoops.
That is why I was SO excited when Firmoo contacted me to do a review.
Oh, and by the way, everyone can get their OWN free pair, so I'm not trying to sell you anything, just giving you the info. Check it out and thank me later ;)

In case you haven't heard of them, they are an online optical store that carry a great selection and fast service. I was able to get my eyes checked through my insurance, and then used my eye doctor's Rx to order my very own pair. I think that's what you call cheating beating the system.

Now, I know what you are thinking...How do you know if they fit?
This is where the best part of the website comes in.
They have a virtual try-on that factors in your Pupil Distance, and is pretty darn accurate!


I was able to share that on Facebook, and everyone helped me pick pair #1. It was such a hard decision, because I liked all of them! I just thought #1 fit my face the best.
Here you can see just how accurate:


Long story short, I put in the order and in just a few days, I was rockin' these bad boys!


I honestly didn't pay attention to the fact that there were spiderwebs on the sides, but it is so fitting with my birthday being Halloween. It's as if we were meant to be a pair.

You get that sweet case, cleansing cloths, and little tools to fix the glasses too.
Quite the package and all for FREE.


Did I mention you can get a free pair too?
I still can't believe it...
Gotta love blogging!

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So what do you think? Can I pull them off?


  1. awesome. i've been looking for new pairs too.
    love how they look on you :)

  2. wish i could wear glasses sometimes, but i don't need them yet. might as well enjoy it while i can.
    i didn't even notice the spiderwebs at first. they are actually cute!

  3. Yes! You look fab! I don't wear my glasses near as often as I should for the freaking price I paid. Yowza! This is the best deal I've seen in awhile!! Thank you :)

  4. I think you look fabulous my dear! xoxo

  5. Love them! I think you picked the right ones :)

  6. Super cute! I got my glasses from there, but had some issues with it. They were really helpful with it though.

  7. They looks great! I'm in desperate need of new glasses, I'll have to check this out!

  8. Cute specs, lady! I've been trying to pick out a pair from them forever! I just need to do it.

  9. In the photo you look like Sarah Palin! I think they look good on you!!

  10. I used my pair of prescription sunglasses all last week at the river! Such a cool program!

  11. you look hot little lady! I need glasses for night time driving, but I have been putting it off. ugh! thanks for the reminder ;-)

  12. I do need to get my eyes checked soon I just hate having drops put in. My mom used to have to pin my arms down and use her forearm to keep my eyelids open to put them in that's how much I hate them. I do love free though it is my favorite price!

  13. Yeah! You got it going on in those glasses. I just spent $300 bucks on my own glasses. I have a super high RX so they cost lots of money and don't look nearly as cute as yours.

  14. nice. i only wear my glasses before bed... i feel so weird when i wear them during the day and when turning my head... those look great on you! ;)

  15. This is perfect I need a new pair!


  16. Lookin gooood, girrll! Love them on you! I have had glasses since 4th grade! Ah. I got a newer pair in 8th grade & haven't had a cute, new pair since then. Ugh! They're so expensive!! I usually just wear them around bedtime anyways, but B aggravates me & says I look like a child, ha! :) This sounds wonderful!

  17. I LOVEEEEE them on you!!! So fabulous! Hope you're feeling better GF!! Love you!! XOXO

  18. I think #1 looks best on you!!! Good pick!!! I know I need glasses, its just breaking down and giving in to reality. Oh gosh, life's a bit ruff at times. lol

  19. Great choice!!! I am just waiting on my free ones from them!!

  20. Just catching up on your blog posts! 1) I thought Snow White and the Huntsman was LAME too. 2) I love Murder She Wrote. Is it weird that I was excited when I found out it was being shown again on tv? 3) You rock those glasses :)

  21. Girl! You are gorgeous. OF COURSE you can full off glasses! You could probably walk out the door dressed like Steve Urkel and you'd still rock it. ;) Your new glasses are super cute! I don't use corrective lenses, but my husband does so I will pass this on to him! :)

  22. You are adorable in glasses! I haven't had my eyes checked in years... might be due for a trip to the doc! Thanks for posting this!

  23. SO cute! I've been needing a new pair and I'm all over this :)

  24. Those glasses look so cute on you, and I actually really love the spiderwebs.


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