Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twenty-Seven In Twenty-Seven!

Yes, my dears...this October, I will be TWENTY-SEVEN!
And yet, I still get carded for R-rated movies.

Erin from Living In Yellow just had a birthday, so she has now inspired us all to create our own list!
Ok, so I know that yesterday I said that I don't do goals or New Year's resolutions, 
BUT I plan on making next year the BEST year of our lives, so I need a plan.
My wonderful-hunk-of-a-man, will be returning from nine miserable months in the sand box, so he deserves to have the most amazing year ever! 

How does this plan sound?

1. Go to our first Homecoming Ceremony, and squeeze Will until someone pries me off of him!

I have watched hundreds of homecomings, and I ugly cry every.time.

2. Go home to Florida!
3. Spend Christmas with our families.
4. Go skydiving. My second time, his first.
5. Go on a balloon ride.
6. Go to Las Vegas.
7. Visit Will's grandparents in Ohio.
8. Camp in the Mountains.
9. Visit Royal Gorge and the bridge.


Our last trip to Royal Gorge!

10.  Start moon shinin'. Obviously, Will's idea, but I'm up for it!
PS. It's not illegal if it's for personal use. FYI.
11. Explore Denver more.
12. Take the motorcycle on an unplanned getaway. Just take off and go!
13. Make it to the top of the incline and go back up Pike's Peak.

my sexy man!

14. Figure out something fabulous to do for his birthday.
15. Enjoy my first birthday with him in three years. Damn training and war.
16. Go to Yellowstone.
17. Go to the Grand Canyon.
18. Take lots of picnics.
19. Get back to cooking, since I will have someone to cook for.
20. Read more.
21. Go snowboarding more.

Our first time snowboarding together

22. Take a dance class with Will.
23. Find a yoga class.
24. USE my Nike's
25. Get the Monte Carlo in top shape and do it together.
26. Work less, and dedicate myself to our year.
27. Enjoy the HELL out of MY husband. Excuse my french.

I'm working really hard this year for a reason, and that reason is that I don't want to have to stress about ANYTHING next year. I already promised Will that it will be the best year of his life, a dammit I meant it! I'm going to make sure that next year goes down in the record books. That's a promise.

What are you doing next year? Anyone wanna join the know where to find me!

Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you that we just kicked off a sweet little giveaway on The Lovely Little Things! I'm giving away a cute little headband an necklace from my farmer's market, and there are some other prizes too!


  1. LOVE this list! and thank you so much for making me cry like a baby with that video. thankful for men and women like your husband who are willing to put their lives on the line. and very proud of military spouses like you. i can't imagine what it's like. looks like you have a fun year planned ahead of you!

  2. I love this list!! You have definitely inspired me to make my own....and I'll have 27 as well :) Great post!

  3. Great list, so many awesome places you want to go to in the next year, I'd love to go to the Grand Canyon one day.
    I'm 31 and still get ID'D quite a biit, not that long ago I got ID'D buying cider, however what was more frustrating than the fact that I am 13 years older than the legal age to buy alcohol is that it was non-alcoholic, I was vey confused!

  4. Sounds amazing. Lucky man. ;) I may hZbe to
    Come spend the year with you guys. Ah I can't wait for his home coming!!

  5. Fabulous list my friend, just fabulous! I think that is so wonderful you are working this year to take next year 'off' for you and will!


    xoxo ugly crying now because of the video...thanks ;)

  6. This list sounds like A TON of fun :)
    I hope that you accomplish all of it!


  7. What a great list! He's going to LOVE skydiving!

  8. GREAT plan! I loved Royal Gorge.

  9. um...& come visit me in CALI!!!! haha! My favorite is USE your Nike too gf! I really hope someone records yu seeing will after his deployment, I want to see your happy face! This sounds like a great list that i kno wyou can accomplish!!! I stil get carded for Rated R movies too...gotta love being 27 & people thinking your 16! Just wait until we're 40 we'll look 20! lets go! haha! LOVE YOU!!!!!! xoxo Kelly

  10. Janna!! I love this list!!!

    My excitement and my smile got wider the more I scrolled down! 27 sounds like it will be an amazing year! I'm turning 27 myself and this has motivated me to put some fun things into thought if not action!

    As always, your blog is a great read!!

  11. You're an amazing wifey! I love your list! And you'll LOVE the grand canyon. It took my breathe away, literally. It almost looks fake!

  12. Such an amazing list!!! {That video definitely made me cry, loved it so much!} :)
    <3 Melissa

  13. Good list. They all seem totally doable!! I've been skydiving too! I've done it once but I think I'm honestly too scared to do it again now that I know what it's like.

  14. Always have to have new goals and yours are all super exciting ones! I also just turned 27 this year and still get mistaken for a 16-year-old. I even got carded trying to buy spray paint once! And when I DON'T get carded for alcohol I look really confused!!!!

  15. Oh girl, what a great list! Please tell me someone will be videoing his homecoming! I cry at every one of those videos too (even the ones where the dogs greet the returning soldiers... sad, I know, haha)! Anyway, it is going to be an amazing year for you!! :)

  16. those are great things!! I cry when I watch those too. and so many places you want to go - they would be wonderful!

  17. On a few occasions, I was mistaken for being Brady's daughter. My gosh! That's a crazy one! I'm used to getting carded for rated R movies, too. And some people almost refuse to sell me alcohol. Lol. The perks of looking younger than we are! Wait till we're 30! ;)

    Love your list!! I need to make one so I could accomplish it.

  18. THis is a great idea, you both are going to have a fabulous year and have so much fun in the process of doing everything you mentioned. I can't wait to come to CO and do everything. Its such a beautiful place. I haven't been back in years!!.
    I'm excited for you both to start this adventure.

  19. I hope I'm still getting ID'd when I'm 27 (or almost 27)! Aaaah! I really hope you and Will go to Vegas and want me and Eric to go meet up with you :) It's only 2 hours away from where we live!

  20. I'm turning 29 in a week and I get carded every.single.tme. I think I am old enough that I can start to appreciate instead of hate it (like I usually do lol).

    Looks like a pretty epic list :)

  21. Awww, I would love for you to have a homecoming like that and video it!! I would definitely cry watching it!! How much longer til he comes back?

  22. I am so excited for you for will to come home soon! Sounds like an amazing year. You already know that I adore you and that I think you are an incredible wife. xoxoooxo


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!