Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Girl Behind The Blog- VLOG!

I love days that start with the letter V.
V as in Vlog-day!


Today we share our goals with 5ohWifey and Lindsay, so that we can all continue to get to know each other! Have you recorded yours yet? If not, then get on it!
You can find my previous videos here, and without further ado...

Look, they are his and hers:
{without being matchy-matchaay}


In other news, Kelly is revealing the results of the Messy Challenge!
{Not to be confused with the Messy Project}
Many of us embrace her Messy Hair lifestyle, and you will get to see ALL of our messy hair over on Kelly's blog. Yes, I said messy hair, as in messy-dirty-hasn't been washed in a week- hair.
You may think we are crazy, but I can vouch that it helps your hair grow, is great for time, and even saves on your water bill.  I know you are curious, so head on over!

I'll leave you with a picture of my messy dirty hair:


That was after five or six days of no washing, and minimal handling.
Between that and the vlogs...this is going to be a goooood day.

PS. I'm adding one more surprise! Head over to our facebook page to find a vlog that Is dedicated to the Hubs! I promise that y'all will get a kick out of it.


  1. Loved your vlog! I laughed about your working out comments cuz I feel the same way, but somehow I make myself go. Some weeks are better than others tho.
    Good luck with the rest of your detox week girl!

  2. Very cute vlog haha - good for you for having the courage to make one!

  3. Great vlog! I don't know that I can do that just yet. Putting myself in front of a camera is a little uncomfortable for me, but I am sure I will try soon. Thanks for the reading tips over at my page! And good luck with the deployment!

    P.S. the shoe colors rock :) NIKELOVE.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE your vlogs, you are so stinkin' cute!

    sweet shoes.

  5. OH and awesome for working out! You can do it!!!

    <3 you

  6. BOO! I can't watch here at work!! I need to see your face. :)

  7. Cute vlog, sounds like you get enough of a workout on a day to day basis, without actually "working out." I hope the rest of the deployment goes smoothly.

  8. My computer doesn't have sound so I will have to come back and watch your vlog on my laptop :(
    I wish you lived closer so you could come do my hair and make-up for me - you always look so gorgeous!

  9. love your vlog and blog. i'm with you on the working out. i am trying to get back into it and trying to find motivation to do it without a buddy.

  10. Super cute vlog! and I love the "matching" shoes:):)

  11. You are so cute! Boo to you for not having to work out. I used to be like that... then I had a baby. *sigh* haha Love ya!

  12. Love your vlog - your hair looks super cute in that braid!

  13. ahhhhh! well i just texted you so you already know how I feel about this post...seriously seperated at birth. SO weird about the Nike sorry thats weird we both did the same thing and we both want grey?!? ahh love us! and thank you for the shout out about the challenge! i dont know what id do w/o all your support! you are the best! LOVE YOU!!! ps i emailed you about a christmas idea...

    xo Kelly

  14. LOVELOVELOVELOVE you. I just want to be your best friend, kay?;)

  15. As always you are awesome!!!! I really need some new shoes, but I hate working out they they would be for long days at the zoo with my babies or something. I'm so happy that you are ok through all of the chaos in CO. I think you guys have had your fill so praying that way the last of it all. Miss our chats :(

  16. I love you!

    His/hers is always fab! I love matching without being ridiculous


  17. You're just how I pictured you would be :)
    Love it!

    GET IT GIRL for doing the detox! Keep it up - you can do it!

    And I'm gonna be honest...this dirty hair thing has my interest, haha!


  18. Time out. I just read your love story and its so sweet. I am developing a total blog crush! Can't wait to read more!


  19. Love your braid! Your hair looks so pretty and thick :)

  20. Oh gracious, you are so cute! I love when you do vlogs! And girl, I hear ya on the working out thing. I actually wrote a big post a little over a year ago on how I don't work out, but instead get exercise through play (hiking, walking the dog, chasing the little girl I nannied, etc). But then I switched jobs and started a desk job and BOOM instant 5 pound weight gain. So I realized I needed to do SOMETHING. So in January I started working out at the gym. The good thing is that I love lifting weights (I lifted all through college and had actually missed that) and I can watch Friends while I'm on the treadmill. ;) Makes it a little less terrible. :)

  21. LOVE your vlog!! I love putting a voice to the face :) I seriously love ya, Janna!
    And your hair.... I want my braid to look just. like. THAT. I die!!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!