Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just Call Me Miss Chloe!

An introduction won't do this video justice, so just watch...

I will keep you updated on who ends up being preggers ;)

Sometimes: I get crazy Deja Vu.
Always: When I get it, I can tell you what will happen next.

Sometimes: I dream that I'm pregnant.
Always: So far it means that someone I know is pregnant.

Sometimes: I get bad vibes from people that others don't feel.
Always: Those people always end up being bad news.

Sometimes: People call me a witch because I was born on Halloween.
Always: I'm beginning to wonder myself...
kind of kidding.

Do you ever get Deja Vu or have strangely significant dreams?

Tell me about them, and then come back tomorrow for my newest endeavor!
It's fun and very dear to my heart.


  1. you are such a nut!!!!!! lol. wish it was me.. but that would be impossible. lol.

  2. My mom has been able to correctly predict gender of every baby she's guessed. That includes all three of her kids, all ten(ish) of her nieces and nephews, and all three of her grandkids. It's super creepy.

  3. omg! Please stop having these dreams while I am going through pregnancy scares!!!

  4. I don't think I've ever dreamed I was pregnant. In fact, I haven't even had one dream about my baby! I hear it's pretty common to dream about your baby when your pregnant... but not me! BUT my mom had a dream about a baby like a month before we told her I was pregnant... and she even dreamed the gender and that's what we're having! So at least someone in my family has that gift, ha ha!

  5. I dont have the gift but I wish I did have some sense of premonition.


  6. god youre so freaking cute! love the hat! so i def have freaky, creepy, deja vu...i always randomly think something & then it happens. sometimes i think i have special powers too hahahaha! dreams are just bizarre...i have this one dream, the exact same dream every week where im with this guy, the same guy and we go flying over brick buildings. ive been having this exact dream for months, its weird....haha love you!!! xo Kelly

  7. You are too funny!! So Miss Cleo can you tell us when we will win the lottery! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  8. I get those vibes too. Kinda like I have a six sense about people. And born on Halloween? Talk about the perfect party day!

    also, I am emailing you back TODAY so we can set up a day to do your awesome giveaway, will that work? Sorry I have been so MIA, I have been BUSY with, you know, partying and stuff :) (ROUGH I know)

  9. You know, sometimes I feel like I jinx ppl. I don't say it aloud, but will start to b/c it's just tooooo coincidental and I don't want to believe it. I had an incident where I wanted someone out of my life... and that's what happened. I don't get to see them much anymore. I had a few incidents where I was going to get hit by a car, someone close I knew was hit by a car. Weird! Just weird. I need to write these things down. I'm not crazy.

    Sometimes I feel like I can profile ppl pretty good, too. Maybe it's from my dad and my boyfriend. It's kind of too easy to read ppl. So maybe being an introvert isn't bad after all. You know? :)

    I'll be back tmrw. And I'd think it'd be so cute if you guys had a baby!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  10. Tell me what my future holds! hahaha
    I get deja vu but that's it--nothing too funky...

  11. Oh gosh I get Deja Vu ALL THE TIME. Seriously, what is wrong with us?! Completely freaky that we already know what is going to happen. Too weird.

  12. I think,you might really be a witch...

  13. hahaha love this & YOU! I saw a girl ride a crotch rocket yesterday, reminded me of you!! :)

  14. I love you!! How fun. Wish I could see the future! Maybe I'd relax!! ;)

  15. Not gonna lie, I get really weird Deja Vu & dreams too. They're enough to freak you out sometimes!

  16. The video is awesome! Just found you via the follow party and can't wait to read more!


  17. I just have crazy nightmares that I can never explain. as for the people radar... I totally have that. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but then I get pissed because I sooooo knew better. My grandpa can tell when ANYONE is pregnant, even if it only happened last night. its so weird. but he always knows and he's never wrong.

  18. You are SO stinking cute! I had my first baby dream the other day and it was so fun. I woke up looking around for our baby! Haha!

    Thanks for linking up!!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!