Monday, July 30, 2012

Emergency! SOS!

What happened on Sunday:

Apparently, sometime since I switched to Google +

It switched me to a no-reply commentor!

Between having the new layout of blogger and Google+, I am at a loss for how to fix it!
Who knows how or knows someone who knows someone?
I tried 5ohwifey's tutorial, but it doesn't work with the new dashboard...(that I can see).

As you know, this is a MAJOR life or death. Haha.
PLEASE help!!

Hallelujah! We have solved the problem!
I was very thankful to  have so many lovelies try to help me, and between Miss Blake and this AMAZING how to (the update is what saved my life), I am officially back in action!

I am baffled that Google+ makes things like this so difficult, but all that matters is that it is fixed!

I would link up my weekend, but I've gotten chastised for linking my boring weekends that consist of missing the hubby and DIY projects by a certain someone *winkwink, so I will just leave you with this:


I was voted "Best Buns" on Sunday night ;)
I'll share the rest another day.
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!


  1. i had this problem too when i still used the old interface. and i don't know how to fix it. but when i changed to new interface, it became normal again.

  2. I am guessing you will have probably tried both of these, but these are the two things I had to do to turn off the "no-reply"

    1) In your blogger user profile, make sure that show my email address is ticked.
    2) Go to your blogger dashboard Go to Settings. Go to Mobile and Email. There will be a blank box next to something that says "Email Comment Notification" type in your email address, then hit save.

    Hope this helps.

  3. When I created my new blog, it automatically started me off with a Google+ account and skipped right past the blogger account. I never could figure out HOW to stop being a no-reply commenter, and I tried everything. I eventually just dropped the Google+ thing and switched to a blogger profile.

  4. Oh girl, I have no idea. Good luck figuring it out!

  5. I'm going to be useless and tell you I have no clue how to help. However, I noticed that when I went to e-mail you back made me sad. Hope you figure it out though!!

  6. In the dashboard (where you see your Blogger reader roll... Where it post new blogs from the ones you follow).. In the upper right corner click on your name. Click on blogger profile. It'll open your profile. In the upper right corner, hit edit profile.

    Make sure the box that says Show Email is checked.if you scroll down, you can change which email to use.


  7. Ah sorry!! I'm not at a keyboard to check te new layout now. Flood luck!

  8. I have been having the same problem and I thought I fixed it. You'll have to tell me though, can you email me back or is it showing noreply?

  9. I just had this problem this morning. I went to Miss Blake and she helped me. Thanks!

  10. GIRL! I just went to reply to your comments and was like WTF I KNOW this chick hasn't been no reply in the past! Ok, phew...I'll send to your email address ;)

  11. Best buns... Hahahahahaha!
    Btw, cute skirt. LOL.

  12. Hahaha I had a wild weekend, so I need to just compile all the pictures into a fun post :) I love that you have best buns though!! I'm jealous

  13. CRAZY!! Cause I noticed that and couldn't believe you were a no reply commenter 'cause I know how much you hate that. Glad you fixed it.

  14. why do people freak out about the linkups?

  15. Google+ frustrates me so I just kind of avoid it when possible. Especially when they took picnik, but it forced me to learn PSE so...

  16. Mine changed back to no-reply blogger too! I couldn't figure out how to fix it so I switched back to the old profile :(


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