Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Getting my mind off things with a Vlog.

It was hard for me to post this with everything going on.
I have been through tornadoes, tropical storms, and hurricanes, but NOTHING has made me as scared as watching my town burn. Especially when the FLAMES can be seen from 15 miles away.
I didn't even know that was possible.

As Weiser and I were walking to the Farmer's Market today, I saw a plume of smoke that seemed worst than it should be, so I took this photo:

I thought the fire had hit a large fuel source, so I took a photo earlier.  I had no way of knowing what was to come at the time. This is from approx. 15 miles from the destruction, and yet completely visible.

Unknowingly, I had taken a picture when the fires had begun destroying homes.

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard that there are Colorado fires, but we thought we were improving, until yesterday. We had a false sense of security when they let evacuees go home, and then  the worst happened. Wind-driven flames took us all by storm.


There are more than 32,000 people that have been evacuated from their homes.
I hope that the brave firefighters can save as many as they can, but more importantly- I hope all the people and animals stay safe. Material things can be replaced, the lives of my fellow Coloradians (two-footed and four) cannot.  My heart goes out to the brave Firefighters, and our amazing local and state government, for all that they are doing. Let's just hope our national government steps it up a bit. The whole "we need to save resources in case there is another emergency" doesn't fly with me. We are IN an emergency in THIS COUNTRY, so come save us.

I am so incredibly thankful for all the messages, comments, and tweets from friends, family, and especially bloggers. Every one of them meant the world to me, and Zara not only put a smile on my face, she offered up her home and her parents home, as did Sami. Both of which are also from this area, so they are feeling the heaviness of this situation too. Don't worry y'all, Pamela has a prayer army going, and I have faith in her :)

As I sit here at a loss for what to do, I know that getting my mind off things is necessary, which is why I am still posting "The Girl Behind The Blog", Vlog. I hope you like mine, but more importantly-your vlogs better be good, because I need some serious distraction.

Welcome to the original post, pre-natural disaster:

A while back, I participated in this, and thought it was just awesome, so I was ecstatic when a new one came up! Do you know Ashley and Nicole? They are the hostesses of this shindig.


I feel like Vlogs are a fantastical way to connect to each other, which is why I always love participating  and sharing in these types of things. I do find myself quite cheesy in them, but all I can do is be myself and hope that you find it endearing ;)

Like I said, I need something to get my mind off of everything, so if you link up- lemmeknow!!
Thoughts and prayers, much obliged. Keep 'em coming.


  1. We stayed up until after 11 watching the news and then slept on and off (dreaming of fires of course)... I hate feeling so helpless for these people!

  2. I cannot imagine how scary it must be to witness this happening in your own town. My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone over there. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about what people are going to lose because of this. I just hope that no lives are lost. Sending love and prayers from NC!

  3. OH EM GOSH YOU ARE so cute! I love you darling so much!

    Glad you are safe, and totally sending MORE prayers your way! Colorado is getting some DC LOVE!

    Great great vlog girlie!


  4. Wow, those pictures are crazy! Praying that all of you stay safe and that y'all get the emergency help you need.

  5. Loved the vlog! I so wish we lived closer to each other so we could hang out!
    I'm glad you're safe and my thoughts are with all of the families who lost their homes.

  6. wow, what a disaster. and to think people thought they were safe. i'm praying for lots of rain and safety for all.

  7. :-( I hate seeing our state burn.
    But like you said material things are easy to replace it's the lives that cannot be replaced.

    Please please please stay safe. You know I'm pushing for you to leave, but you and your big heart are being stubborn.

    <3 Love you

  8. I hate the fires for you. I know exactly how it feels-about 10 years ago my family had to be evacuated from our home because of fires being only about 5 miles away. SCARY. Montana actually has a lot of fires going on right now too, and I just pray for everyone's safety.

  9. new follower!

    1.) keeping your town and family in our prayers! I can't imagine living with the situation in Colorado, and wish the best for everyone.

    2.) COMPLETELY agree about your pet peeve.

    Happy Wednesday!

  10. You know our prayers are with y'all. My in-laws are 30 miles away in Larkspur - I am sure I could offer up a place for you there ;) XO! {I need to watch this VLOG when I get home!}

  11. I cant even handle how awful it is there. I've been praying. I'm so glad you could take a little time to vlog and take your mind off things for a while. HUGS

  12. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and everyone in the surrounded areas that are and may be affected by the Colorado Fires. This is such a heart breaking event for the city / state and I hope that they are able to get it undercontroll soon!!!! Great Vlog girl!!! Your always adorable and have so much to share!!

  13. Oh my gosh Janna. I am so sorry about all of this! I just caught up on your blog after being gone all weekend. Is there anything that I can do for you? You are also welcome to stay at our home here in CA. Weiser too, of course. My heart certainly goes out to you and all of the other people in your area. I cannot believe how big the fires have grown. Is there a volunteer center? I would love to volunteer my time to come help the families in your area! I do have some PTO that I would gladly use to help out however I can. I would certainly want people to come help my community. Please let me know how I can help. Love you so much sweet girl!

  14. Those fires are so scary. Keeping you and your community in my thoughts; stay safe! Also, I linked up for the vlog if you are looking for a few minutes of entertainment :o)

  15. janna i love you! youre so freaking cute! and i loveee that i know your secret w where you work muahahahhaha..but we are blogger gfs so...what was your corporate job? sending LOTS of prayers & good thoughts your way!!!!!


  16. right on! money is not everything! i've survived off love for all my life and that's all i need! i don't think i could survive the corporate world. i'd be unhappy. and i'm so glad you are doing what you love to do even if it's for temporary.

    yes. finally! i had to ask a friend what 50 shades of grey was. i know i'm not missing out. reality tv shows -so not me. and yes, portioning -i can't hold out dark meat. can't. but eat less of it because i can be lazy to exercise at times :)

    basically, we'd get along well. we have the same view on things :)

  17. You are a strong woman!!! I want sooooo bad to be a doctor. I met the man of my dreams. He supports me being a doctor. Buttttt I want to get married... I am scared to have to leave my job behind.. its not about the money. Its the passion. You go girl!!!! I loved your vlog!

  18. I am so sorry about everything going on around there, I can't imagine what y'all are going through. I am praying for everyone to just stay safe. Those pictures are such a scary reminder of how dangerous this situation is. Keeping y'all in my thoughts and prayers!!

  19. I can't even imagine what you are going through in CO. Those pictures just take my breath away. I am praying for everyone there. Thank you so much for linking up with us, you are beautiful inside and out! xo

  20. I like the title of your blog , perception is a huge part of our lives. I'm envious of your consistent optimism , I work on that every day hahaha

  21. This is horrible.. I hate fires. I hope it gets better soon. Sweet video.

  22. 100% agree. Life is not about money or the corporate world. I hate what your area is going thru with the fires. so sad

  23. Praying, praying, praying! I hope that it can get under control soon! I'm thinking of you so much! If I didn't live across the country, I'd say come on over :) But CT is a little far from CO. You know you're always welcome under our roof though!

  24. i've been praying for you and i didn't even know it! i have some dear friends that live in colorado springs after interning at focus on the family for a summer. much love to you! excited to follow along and am hoping you'll be sharing good news soon :)

  25. I can't imagine what you all are going through with those fires!! It must be so scary!! I linked up with GBTB, too!! So fun. :)

    I'm not career oriented like I used to be, either. I even got my masters degree and now I'm a stay at home mom. I really just want to take care of my family and my marriage. Sounds like you know how I feel. :)

  26. Those fires look crazy scary dangerous. Yes that is three words all for it! :). So I take it you haven't had to evacuate yet? Is it close enough you'll have to? And you haven't had to go to work because of this? I almost did this link up but then got lazy and didn't get my vlog ready, but I almost did it just for you. ha! :)

  27. Life is so not all about money! You are so right! When I choose to nanny with a college degree under my belt, I was teased a lot by my peers. But I just didn't care. I wanted to do something I was passionate about and nannying was perfect. Not only did I love what I was doing, but it gave me the freedom to volunteer with organizations I really love.

    And you know, a little over a year ago I put my degree to work and took a desk job because it paid well and my husband and I are trying hard to pay off our student debt and truth be told... it is no fun. Haha! I was not made to work at a desk. I have a great job with great vacation and great pay and yet... it isn't something I'm passionate about. I am SO looking forward to us getting this debt paid off so I can go back to our money-doesn't-matter way of thinking. ;)

  28. I love you Janna! Seriously. You are a beautiful person, inside & out!

  29. i had no idea you lived near the fires... i cant imagine what everyone is going through... =(
    will be praying...
    and i love that you dont have any guilty pleasures..thats a great way to look at life! =)


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