Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Don't Fear The Unknown.

Day 2 of our Motorcycle class, and it is just as exhilarating and scary as I thought!

Sometimes: The thought of learning to control a motorcycle is scary.
Always: Wait...it is just scary. Haha.

Sometimes: I have no clue where my desire to ride comes from.
Always: I reminisce about my trip to Sturgis, and the bug bites me all over again!

Sometimes: I think having my own bike would be cool.
Always: I realize that I love wrapping my arms around Will, so I still want to ride with him.

Sometimes: Trying new things in general can be really scary.
Always: The only way to stop learning, is to stop living.

I would love to share more, but after a nine hour day (five of which were in 90+ degree weather), I am exhausted! For now- I would love it if you go check out my guest post on the hot-tottie Jamie's blog!
She does this thing where she features Military bases where bloggers like lil ol' me are stationed. If you are military, it is the best way to get info on different posts, but if you aren't, you can see more in depth as to how/where we live! I happen to live in a VERY cool place, so definitely check it ;)
Pretty please? I don't want to feel like a loser.

Let's hope that after today, I will be an officially Certified Motorcyclist!
Check Twitter for photos and updates. Whoop Whoop.


  1. 90 degree weather?! that's craziness. Definitely no where near 90 here :)

  2. Hubby already has his license, but I took the class about two years ago. It was really hot, when I took it, especially with all that leather and gear and helmet. I ended up quitting on the second day. I really had no intentions of getting a bike or ever riding by myself. I just thought it would be fun haha. I just got frustrated with the whole process. There were two groups, and they split my hubby (then boyfriend) and I up (not on purpose). The instructor guy that I had that was having us do the exercises was really condescending and made me feel really stupid and insecure. He told me to give it more gas, so I did. The bike went out from under my legs, and I was like..I quit. After that, I had thought about doing it again, but taking the private class. I never did though.

    Good luck girl!

  3. i love that line :
    "the only way to stop learning, is to stop living"

  4. You go, girl! Being a bad @SS chick :)

    One of my girl friends learned to ride in college, had her own bike and everything. I think the only reason she got rid of the bike was cuz she didn't ride it as much as she had wanted and it was an extra expense, but she still loves it. Go you!

  5. Love that you're trying to do it on your own despite mostly just wanting to ride w your hubs. Too cute.

  6. Ahh...my husband has been wanting a motorcycle and I finally caved in and encouraged him to go for it! When he comes home, he'll be taking his classes and such!

    P.S. Checked out your guest post....you live in an AWESOME place!

  7. PS - I just realized that [I'm pretty sure] we drove through Fort Carson on our way to the Royal Gorge last summer :)

  8. Yeah that could be scary I wanted to get mine when I was younger but didn't now I would be scared to!

  9. That's so awesome you're doing this!

  10. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! You're a pretty brave lady:)

  11. Good for you for going out there and doing it! I would be scared outta my mind. :) Off to read your guest post.

  12. omg! this is intense! i dont think i ever would have the guts to do that! but how awesome! you are going to be one hott biker chick!!! xoxoox

  13. Funny how I can relate to the having a 'trill' to drive a motorcycle but once I hop on I become very afraid. Before I experience an accident (fractured my tight, brakes went :/) I had very little to fear. Now I am so so. Congrats on your license!

  14. So true, that's not what ships were made for... love that!

  15. I love the last line, too! And just checked out your guest post, such cute pics! You and your hubby are adorable!

  16. You are brave. The End. I am your newest follower. Check out my post if you get a chance. Amber

  17. You go girl! It is so scary yet so exciting!!

  18. Oh wow, you are amazing, girl! I think I'd be terrified on a motorcycle. Idk...never been on one! You are so "cool." Haha! I really think you are one of the coolest chicks I know!

    Thanks for linking up!!


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