Saturday, May 19, 2012

Please Accept My Apology...

So I need to make a public apology.
I have had my blog comments coming to my main email, since I began blogging.
Then recently I set up my google+/Gmail account, which magically started having your replies to all my comments on your blogs sent to THAT account, instead of my main one.
I just figured this out. Tonight.

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

I feel like a total jerk, because you probably thought that I have been ignoring your sweet words and questions, which is NOT the case.  I wish I could go back through every single one, but that may take awhile...If there was anything that you needed or wanted from me PLEASE let me know! 
I don't want to leave anyone hanging :)

I have been a busy bee this weekend creating a button all by myself with this
amazing tutorial, and the help of Jordan from Holding On To The Little Things.
At least completing that task made me feel a little less of a dumb blonde.

The best news that I have is that I got to talk to my lover tonight <3
Such a RELIEF.

Go check out Anna from A Sweet Southern Mess if you are recuperating from the weekend 
want to meet a sweetheart. She also helped to lift my spirits today :)
Well, I hope that you are all having an amazing weekend!!


  1. Yes!!!!!!! You talked to him! So glad he's ok. And you didn't realize that your comments were going to a separate email? Lol. Dork! That pic of that cat totally made me laugh. (een though I hate cats)! Ha!

  2. It can definitely get confusing, but I know you're not ignoring me :) I don't reply to any comments usually. I'd rather spend time reading your blog than responding to a comment, ya know?


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!