Friday, May 18, 2012

MMA And A Little Budoir

Welp, I still don't have all the pictures that I was hoping to have by now, but I have enough to tell you about last weekend!

Initially, I had planned on having two days of cleaning relaxation, but I got a call in the middle of the day on Saturday to be a ring girl for an MMA fight.  I can't ever say no to those, because they are so fun!  I mean, can't you just imagine how fun it is to be in this close of proximity?

Not to mention, I love getting paid to hang out with my girls...

Winner's circle, yeeah boy.

And for all you single ladies:

I got to take an entire case of Coconut Rockstar home, too!
Not sure what to do with a whole case, but I wasn't going to say no.
Boy was I glad I had a Rockstar the next morning, because the other interruption engagement I had was a photoshoot with one of my fave photographers!

This is one of my top three photos ever. The composition, the lightning, and the setting just make me giddy inside. I knew as soon as I saw that window, it was going to be magic.

I have only gotten a few so far, but I will definitely have more to share soon.
There are actually a few that I took specifically for the blog, so let's hope they turn out!

Oh, and you can bet your britches that I went and grubbed after that shoot.
Bj's Brewpub is one of my new favorites:

{Not pictured my Mahi and Fried Rice. Yes, I got both.}

Check out these amazing photographers, if you are in SoCo!

By the way, we are making good progress on the Facebook page. Only a few more likes and you will be learning all my budgeting tricks! For now, I hope you all have a great weekend.
I feel like it's going to be a good one...


  1. OW OW! Hot mamasita right there!!!

    I liked the facebook page! :)


  2. Sexy momma! Sending some to the hubby I would assume?

    Where in the world did you find a job like being a ring girl?!?

  3. HOT!Do you work out? You make me tempted to wanna start - ha!

  4. Beautiful pictures girl, I bet the hubbs is gonna love these when he lays eyes on them!!!

  5. My husband works for a beverage distributor and brings home cases of drinks all the time. His last one was the Coffee Rockstars, which I don't drink! I didn't mind when he brought home a case of Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino's though :)

    The pictures are great! Can't wait to see more!

  6. Gorgeous!! soo my fat self is going to say that that food looks GOOD! hahah!

  7. Your job sounds amazing! Lucky :D
    Amazing pictures, you are absolutely gorgeous! Want to share some of that with me? Haha
    Glad you had an awesome weekend!

  8. What a fun job! I love going to those MMA fights. I used to go to a lot of the fights at the Colorado Springs city auditorium. I bet your hubby is going to love those budoir pictures!

  9. - I'm really trying at those FB goals! Case In Point

  10. Hot mama's! I used to do promo work and it was awesome being paid good money to look hot!

  11. Fun! I love MMA I have a friend who used to he has joined the Navy but he was really good. It's always fun to watch someone you know.

  12. Yum bj's!! Love that place. That is so awesome that you're a run girl! Derek and I watch as many UFC fights as we can, how fun!

  13. OHHH I love them!!!
    Looks like the weekend was fun and I cannot wait to see the rest of those photos!!!

  14. Great pictures. What a fun way to make $$$. :)

  15. umm yes! This weekend is going to kick ass because we are FINALLY having our Skype date! woohoo!

  16. sweet on being a ring girl! my boyfriend is back into jui jitsu and i think that is ultra hotness! love that you were sporting rockstar! they are my pick. wish i lived near you, you could totally throw off some rockstar my way then :)

  17. New to your blog and wow, you are gorgeous! Love those shots.

  18. Gorgeous! And that last picture has me drooling! I think I need to heat up some lunch!

  19. So are the photos for Will/fun or were they for something like a magazine or something? They/you look fabulous! Wanna trade bodies anytime soon ;)

  20. Girl you are stunning. Inside and out. That rign girl job looks so fun! My hubby loves rockstar. nd I can't wait to see more boudoir shots, I have thought of doing that for the hubby. :)

  21. hottie with a body! OoW! lol. =)


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