Monday, March 26, 2012

Ultimate Wedding Week: We Eloped, Part 3

First off, Desiree @ Mama And Her Boys will be posting a guest post from yours truly, so you should DEFINITELY go check out my insanity...I MIGHT have gone a little Cray-Cray over there, but I guess you will have to see for yourself!

Next up: 

You will find Natasha @ Schue Love is our fabulous hostess today!

Hot topic: The Ceremony

Mr. George Strait will be narrating for me.
His song "True", says it all.

True in this modern world when two lovers get together
Chances of ’em making it to forever

Couldn't be better than two in a million hearts
Girl this ain’t just another run of the mill emotion

What I’m feeling is devotion
My love for you is true

True like the sun comin’ up each morning
Bright as a light in a baby’s smile

Sure as a mountain river windin’
Right as the rain fallin’ from the sky

Girl my love for you is true

True, not another minute on this earth can be borrowed

So there’s no way to know when I’ll live my last tommorow

But everyday I get, I’ll share with you

This feelin’ just keeps gettin’ stronger as time goes by

It’s written on my face, you can see it in my eyes

My love for you is true

My love for you is true

Mr. and Mrs. Bogert
Est. April 24. 2010.

So what would be my tips for your ceremony?
Remember that it is YOUR day and it should be focused on your love, not on what Aunt Martha the old bitty thinks of your hors d'oeuvres.  We had begun planning a traditional wedding, but quickly figured out Hallelujah!, that wasn't for us.  
The event planner in me, wanted to have the most fabulous wedding EVER.
The young lover in me, just needed to dedicate my life to this man.
As quickly, and as efficiently, as possible.

That is all for today!
 Can't give away anything else because we have two more days left!
Y'all come back now...ya here?


  1. That looks like such a great wedding! Also I need weather like that on my wedding day if it ever comes that far ;)



  2. so beautiful!! and your guest post was awesome! good job! :)

  3. Beautiful ceremony! I think it's so cool that you eloped :)

  4. So beautiful - you look stunning and so happy!! :)

  5. beautiful pics!

    you have the most gorgeous hair!!!

  6. can i just say your dress um outfit is amazing!

  7. You are absolutely beautiful! What a happy day!

  8. i love that ya'll eloped! so sweet and i freaking adore how you wrote this post with the lyrics - so sweet!

  9. love the dress you wore! you looked beautiful & your new hubby looked great in yellow! congrats!

    xx Kelly

  10. Y'all are SO precious. Seriously. These pictures made me smile!!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!