Thursday, March 1, 2012

Colorado is VERY doggie friendly

Everyone in Colorado has a dog. Big ones, little ones, doesn't matter.  But here dogs aren't "accessories", so people actually spoil them rotten.  (You already know that Weiser is like a child to us.)  This is why it makes complete sense that there are dog parks everywhere!

Our new favorite is called Bear Creek.

Obviously, there is a creek running throughout, in which the pooches take much pleasure, but they are usually so busy romping with their buddies that they forget about the chilly water.

They can't appreciate the scenery (that I know of), but we humans do...

I'm sure it's obvious why this is our favorite.  I'm hoping the weather is nice, so that we can visit one last time this weekend.  It would be a lovely family outing.

Totally different-unrelated topic:

I found some great new blogs and inspiration tonight!
Living In Yellow and And They Lived Happily Ever After
I'm pretty sure they inspired a few GREAT ideas, and here is a snippet of an email I sent to the hubs directly after.  I'm sure it's strange that I didn't just tell him, but he goes to bed before I do and instead of forgetting important things- I email or facebook him.  It's very convenient.

To: Will My Hubby (Not that I have any other "Will's" in my contact list, but you never know)

I have some homework for you lover. Two things actually. #1 is I want you to answer a Q&A that I can post on the blog at some point and #2- I would love it if you would at some point, maybe, if you are bored, or you know- love me, write a "letter" or check-in from Afghanistan for the blog.  I just got inspired by some bloggers, and I think it would be really cool <3 Definitely #1, hopefully #2, and then maybe even a #3 (#3 would be my bloggers submit questions and you answer them). I would love you forever!!

 Ps. In case I forget- I just heard that lemon water in the morning works better than coffee, so Friday morning I want to try it! In lieu of coffee. (I'll tell you more about this after I try it ;)

I love you baby! Hope you have a good day at work!
Janna Renee
Perception Is Everything

Does that sound interesting to y'all? Hopefully it does, because I plan to do it either way...hehe.

You know those nights where you think you are going to do a little bit of blogging before bed, and the next thing you know, it's closer to the time you wake up?
Yeah this is probably one of those nights. Yeesh.

(Seems redundant to have both salutations, but oh well!)


  1. Beautiful views. Maybe dogs aren't aware but they are aware they are with you and that is what counts. Very few dog parks exist here.

  2. First off, GORGEOUS photos! And I love the shot of the little girl with the big dogs! Second, I think it would be great to do a Q&A of Will while he's away :) I would ask/answer questions for sure!

  3. so fun! love these pics!

  4. you took gorgeous pictures!!!
    love the colors and the view and all.

    i think that will be so intresting to have Will having Q&A. make him do it!


  5. that's a dog park.
    i hope your hubby obliges. :)

  6. Your photos are amazing and what a great place to live.

  7. I LOVE Bear Creek! It's literally right around the corner from my grandparents house! All of my family members take their pups there to play :)

  8. That dog park is gorgeous! We don't even have one. Can you believe it?! Our poor babies have nowhere to go play.

    I love that you emailed your hubs. That is so awesome!

  9. Oh, I love doggy friendly places. They can be so hard to find and I totally dislike it! Don't discriminate people. The pics are so sweet.

  10. Totally jealous of your doggie park and of course Colorado. We have been planning a trip for the summer, and something always seems to come up. Hoping we can go this summer, there's quirky bookstore there I really love.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!