Sunday, February 26, 2012

WHAT a Weekend!

Dad was due to fly out Saturday morning, so Friday was a night on the town!
Specifically, we went to an AWESOME German restaurant named Edelweiss.
(Made me want to watch Sound of Music!)

I'll share more about that night, sometime this week, but there is something more important!

I learned to ride DRIVE a motorcycle!
I have no idea what I have been thinking, but my girlfriend and I signed up for a motorcycle class.  I wasn't sure I was going to go through with it, but now that Will got me started- I just might get into this.

I didn't know it, but Will was more worried than I was.  I told him, as I was about to take the handlebars, that I wasn't sure if I could do this. Luckily, he egged me on and the next thing I knew- I was fully in control! I did have to remind him to take his hands off the clutch and brake, but once he did, everything went really smooth.  I can officially say that I mastered first gear.
That's pretty Bad A**.

I'm not sayin' that I will ever have my own bike or rely solely on a bike, but I am saying that it's growing on me.  I think it might be the enticingly low fuel cost that goes along with them, but that's neither here nor there.
For now, I really enjoy wrapping my arms around Will and riding off into the sunset...


  1. OMG, I would have been a nervous wreck, cuddos to you for braving the bike!!!

  2. i want to learn to ride so bad but, i'm afraid of what i'll do if i do.
    you look bad a$$ on that bike. :)

  3. look at you! maybe you can teach me when we finally meet? :) Glad you had a good weekend! xo

  4. So brave! My dad has a harley and always says he will take me on a ride one day but I'm too nervous to even take up THAT offer!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  5. PS I am a new follower :) Love your blog. I too am a natural blonde, and look like I'm 19! Haha.


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