Friday, February 24, 2012

Celebration of Love ;)


           A few weeks ago, Will and I celebrated our anniversary a bit early.  Our actual anniversary isn't until April 24th, but he will be in good ol' Afghanistan.  Instead of missing out on this year's celebration, we decided to celebrate something else- the date we officially began "dating" and our engagement, which both fall on February 12th.
         Will volunteered to plan it, and even though he forgot the first time he volunteered- which I found out when he asked me two days later what we were planning- he really came through.  He planned the perfect evening, including surprise dinner reservations, a moonlit walk downtown, a fancy steakhouse AND chocolate fondue by the fire.  Now tell me that doesn't sound perfect.

It wasn't anything like our first anniversary, but it was just as special...

(Like the "almost"?)

He knows the way to my heart is chocolate...

Here is the one picture I took of my hair:
{Wish I had taken more because I was all dolled up for the hubs.}

Last night, Will rolled over and started to say "Have I told you...", which as a ritual, is usually followed by "how beautiful you are" or maybe even "you have great tits", but tonight- it was followed by "that we are constantly touching, even while we sleep".  I realized that even though he was watching tv and I was playing online, that our feet were intertwined as they always are....
Then I cried because I realize we only have 12 more days of this.

I am only thankful, that I have someone to love this much.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwww lovey your anniversary sound so sweet!

    My heart hurts alil for you because I know how sad it must be for him to be so far away. My sister's boyfriend is just finishing his tour in afghannerstan and she can't wait to see him.

    Yall are in my prayers! Sending you all the love, hugs, glitter, happiness, sparkles I can for the next 12 days!


  2. Aw, Happy Anniversary....sounds like you had a very romantic night, you looked gorgeous! Your hubby is a bit of a romantic, huh?
    New follower!!

  3. Ah it looked perfect. :) I love that you are always touching. So sweet. Enjoy. Every minute. You hair looked so pretty. :)

  4. Happy Anniversary!!!!

    So sad that you only have 12 more days with him. Enjoy every moment :)

  5. Happy Almost anniversary, thats so cute.

    Where in Afghanistan is he going, can you say? I was in Kandahar in 2008.


  6. Glad you are enjoying your last day that you have with him. Each moment is so precious. What a nice anniversary.

  7. This is such a sweet post, i got a little sad at the end though. I hate knowing your going to be separated soon. Happy Anniversary!!!!

  8. Ok now this is the sweetest most honest post i have read about marriage love on a blog!! I love it:) Happy Anniversary!!

  9. Very sweet post :) you two are adorable!

  10. How sweet and what a fun nite! You definitely have a sweetie of a husband.

  11. This is so sweet! Glad you guys had a nice night together...the chocolate fondue sounds amazing!


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