Wednesday, May 13, 2015

She's Got Leeegs...She Knows How To Use Them!

Countless times, I've met bloggers and they've been surprise at how short I am. I'm {almost} 5'4, but for some reason I have come off tall through blogging. I'm not going to question it, but maybe it's because I've always had long legs, as you can see in the following picture.

I show you that picture first to prove that I was a somewhat cute kid. However, I will be the first to tell you that I was NOT a cute baby. Sure, you ask my mom and I was the cutest, but I was a toeheaded chunkamonk until at least my 1st birthday. Proof:

Leave it to my first babysitter to have the most incriminating photos for me. She's been tagging me in tons of throwbacks lately, and I really am loving it. She said she will make copies and send them to me, so then I really have to share some doozies. Many memories and people that I couldn't comprehend, but now I cherish. This is why I love pictures, people.

Now let's just hope Charlie gets my legs and blonde hair, but the rest can come from Will. I'd give her my Hazel eyes, but Will's blues will do. No matter what, she will be pure perfection in my eyes, and as long as she's healthy...we are blessed.


  1. I'm sure Charlie will be the perfect combination of the two of you--just beautiful :) Loved seeing your throwback photos tho!

  2. You are the perfect size! Our hug at our blate was the best :)! I love your throwbacks, sooooo cute!

  3. What a precious photo--a beach baby from the start! Charlie is going to be absolutely gorgeous because she has two good looking parents--that DNA can't fail!! haha

  4. with both you and will's genes I have no doubt you will have a beautiful baby!! and I am 5'2"...!

  5. Your child will be gorgeous! It's inevitable. People tend to think I am taller than I am too. I'm 5'7". I love it that you are still in touch with your babysitter.

  6. Holy cow! You have crazy long legs! I would have pegged you for taller too.. so funny how that works. Anyway your baby girl will be gorgeous no matter what!

  7. I wish I had long legs! I'm also about 5'4 but my legs are pretty short. Not fair! ;) And oh man, I was the ugliest baby. I didn't have hair until I was 3, haha. You were a cutie!

  8. I can relate! I am 5'4 but I have really long legs lol. I'm okay with that.

  9. I have the same deal as you. I'm short (about 5'4") but I have long legs. My mom always hated shopping for me when I was younger cuz I had long legs & a tiny waist so none of my pants fit quite right. Ha!

    Mandie ~

  10. YOU WERE SO CUTE!! No surprise of course because you're gorgeous now! Seriously, I know you said you weren't cute, but if you could see some of my baby pics... yeesh. I REALLY wasn't cute. ;) I'm super excited to see what Charlie looks like. No doubt she will be gorgeous with the two of you as parents!

  11. Please... Charlie is going to be the cutest thing since.... my niece :)

  12. This is adorable and I CAN NOT wait to meet Charlie!!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes


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