Friday, March 13, 2015

Some Things...

TGI-M.Effin'-F! I'm so proud of myself that I turned down a volunteer meeting this morning, because I know I'm burnt out. No matter how bad I am at saying no, even I can't deny that sometimes it's just too much. Instead, I am kicking off our St. Patty's weekend by getting ready at a leisurely pace and I may even take the day off from working out. I'll be more rested for the 5K, and we've been eating so good this week, so I deserve it.

+ We have no clue when we are moving or if at all, since staying at Fort Rucker is now an option for us, but I've started packing anyways. I don't know how much is realistic to pack, but I've already packed two boxes of clothes I can't wear and that helped us break down the closet room. We are also purging along the way, so hopefully we will be able to fit everything in the truck when we move including an entire room of baby furniture we've never had before. Either way, I don't want to spend my life packing when I'd rather be playing with our newborn.

+ Check out those sweet new Ariat Boots I told you I ordered. I WON a free pair from Erika, a former high school classmate and now fashion blogger. I'm not gonna lie, it was super hard to narrow down which style I wanted and I had problems with finding the colors I wanted that actually fit me, but now that they are here it was worth the agony. I even think I want to have them monogrammed, hello, that's what we do in the South, but not sure what color I would do it. Milk chocolate, Ivory, Mustard, thoughts?

+ My hormones went hokey this week, so I'm now breaking out a bit. I know I can't complain in the grand scheme of things, and yet I am. I'm just thankful my dermatologist gave me topical Finacea, which is a more natural product to use during pregnancy. I can only imagine how bad it would be if I wasn't prepared.

Well, I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Our 5K may be in the rain, but I don't think that will stop us! At least it will be warm and rainy if anything, and the highlight of my weekend is the Brunch we are going to on Sunday. Bring on the all you can eat BUFFET, and I will be going full on 'eat for two' or three that day. No shame ;)


  1. Good job keeping up with the healthy eating and knowing when to say no. Rest is important!
    Love your new boots lady!! Have a great weekend and good luck with the 5K!

  2. Have fun at the 5k! I will be in Pensacola on Saturday with my sister. :)

  3. saying no is hard, but sometimes you just have to! i LOVE those boots!

  4. The boots look great! Maybe ivory or milk chocolate?

    Good luck with the 5k!

  5. Cute boots! & good luck at the 5k! :)

    Mandie ~

  6. Beautiful mom to be! Yummy but healthy food always makes for a great week!

  7. Lucky girl, those boots are amazing!

  8. Lucky girl, those boots are amazing!

  9. I love the boots you chose! You look so amazing Janna! I ran a 5k in the pouring rain this morning and I cannot say that it was the most fun since I was completely drenched after just a couple minutes.

  10. omg, love those boots. And you won them? I have not won a blog giveaway in so, so long!!! Being in limbo like that would drive me nuts. I hope you find out soon one way or the other what's going to happen,

  11. Love the boots! and your bump :)

  12. Cute boots! You look great! And don't be afraid to say no because girl that baby is gonna drain you.

  13. Cute boots! You look great! And don't be afraid to say no because girl that baby is gonna drain you.

  14. Cute boots! I'd go ivory!

    Glad you said no and are taking some time to rest. That's so important (I'm really bad about that too so I hear ya). Hope your 5k goes well! :)

  15. So smart to start packing now!! It's shocking how long it takes to accomplish tasks when you do have a new baby (and your body is still in recovery AND you're sleep deprived!) Hopefully if you do end up moving, family will be able to help you! We moved when Mia was 6 months old and it was SO hard! Both sets of parents helped us move and clean the old place. I don't think I would have been able to finish it without them (or it would have just taken me a freakin' month to do it all!)


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