Wednesday, February 18, 2015

We Finally Saw The Specialist!

Hello from Mardi Gras! You may assume we are in Nola, but we are actually finishing up our trip to the original birthplace of Mardi Gras, which is good ol' Mobile, Alabama.

I'd love to tell you all about it, but we've been off the grid at quaint little B&B's that barely have wifi. I figured I'd just check in and tell you that our appointment with the Specialist went AMAZING, and they confirmed we have a healthy baby girl with all the right working parts! They still want to monitor her, but that's fine with me because I get to see her at least two more times via ultrasound in the next four months or so. On top of that they confirmed that I most likely won't have a high-risk delivery and they aren't worried about a single thing with my health. Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers, y'all. I think it paid off.


  1. I am SO glad to hear. What a relief. Hopefully you all enjoy the rest of your trip!

  2. I am SO glad to hear. What a relief. Hopefully you all enjoy the rest of your trip!

  3. Hooray! I'm so glad that everything is okay with you and your little lady! :D

  4. SUCH good news to read first thing in the morning! Enjoy the B&B and quality time with that husband of yours!!! Oh, and baby girl too ;)

  5. YAYAYAYAY! So glad to hear that everything is going well, wooho!

  6. That's great news!!! So happy to hear everything went great!!

  7. That is great news! I'm so happy to read that. Awhoo hoo! :)

    Mandie ~

  8. what great news!! and yeah for getting a few extra peaks at her!!

  9. So glad everything looks good! I drove through Mobile yesterday! :)

  10. Oh my goodness, what WONDERFUL news!! I'm SO happy to hear that your little one is so healthy! This is awesome, Janna!

  11. I am so positively happy to hear the wonderful news ♥

  12. Very glad to hear that everything is all good :) Enjoy your little getaway!!


  13. Glad to hear baby is healthy. XO

  14. Glad to hear it's all good news! Go back to being off the grid :)

  15. I'm so happy that Little Miss is doing great. I can't wait to meet her and hold her and then give her back immediately if she cries or poops :)

  16. I'm happy you are all doing well! Hugs

  17. So glad to hear everything is going well! xx

  18. YAY!!! This is definitely what I was waiting to hear! What a relief! Soooooo happy for you guys! Love that baby girl!


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