Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Halfway To Me!

Welp, I've made it to the official halfway mark in this pregnancy, and yet it feels like it just started...Maybe because there was a party in my belly that I just caught on to, but that's neither here nor there. I'll have to start taking real progression pictures, but I was thinking I should 'pop' before I got serious with them. Who knows when that will happen, so perhaps I'll just get started and maybe it will help me see the difference. With less than five months's time.

For now, you'll have to settle for the pictures I took right after finding out I was 19 weeks. I see what could be a bump, but I'm pretty sure it was just bloating. Don't worry, I probably won't be inundating you with bare belly pics often because I don't know how I feel about them, but if you were going to see any semblance of a bump, bare was the only option. Don't judge me ;)

Nonetheless, I have a lot more on my mind than silly pictures today, because we are driving to Mobile, Al. to see a Specialist about this crazy pregnancy. As of last week, the baby was 10oz with a strong heart beat and all of her extremities, but they need to take a closer look to ensure that everything is as it should be after 18 weeks of not knowing I was pregnant. I honestly don't really understand it all, but I know enough to be STRESSED to the max about hoping for a clean bill of health for her. I mean she's already perfect in my eyes no matter what, but I don't want to find out anything that could complicate the pregnancy or hinder her growth. It's pretty nerve-wracking, but I know I'll feel better once this appointment is over and lab/test results are all done. Boy, this baby growing responsibility is harder than one might think.

Positive thoughts, positive thoughts.


  1. You have the cutest lil bump, lady! Seriously, super cute! I'm praying for a clean clean clean bill of health, lady! <3 you!

  2. You're the most adorable 19 week pregnant lady Ive seen haha.
    Sending you positive thoughts today for all of the test results to come back a-okay!!

  3. A mother's love is a beautiful thing... It's amazing that we can love our babies before we even meet them. (And trust me, the worries continue after they are born). ;)
    I'll be keeping you in prayer that you receive nothing but good news!!!
    And your little, LITTLE bump is so cute! :) I didn't pop until the very end of my pregnancy either... but then, boy, did I pop! Ha, ha. :)

  4. Oh girl, you won't stop worrying.... ever ;) Just kidding, I worried through my whole pregnancy but once Mia was in my arms? I forgot about all my worries! But I am DEFINITELY praying everything goes well at your appointment! Grow strong and healthy, baby girl!!

  5. could you be any cuter? this is seriously not fair!! haha love it!

  6. I hope all goes well but yes she will be just perfect!! And I worried from Day one until she was out, so just enjoy that mama worry! :) You look great as always. Can't wait to see you grow - you best show the belly all the time! :)

  7. Sending prayers to you that the appointment goes as planned!

  8. I hope that appt goes well with your lil one. Sending positive vibes your way! :)

    Mandie ~

  9. Sending positive thoughts your way.

  10. I'm sure everything will be 100% perfect! I was there when my best friend found out that she was 12+ weeks pregnant, so I can understand (kind of) how scary it is. Sending good thoughts your way!

  11. I know that nerve racking thought! Everything will be A-okay though :)

  12. Adorable baby bump!!
    Prayers that everything is ok!

  13. Positive thoughts your way! XOXO

  14. You look absolutely amazing! I am sending all of my positive thoughts your way ♥ Everything will be just fine!

  15. Definitely sending positive thoughts!

    And no wonder you didn't know you're pregnant. Look at you! You look fabulous!

  16. Will be praying that everything is okay!


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