Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Now That...Was A Holiday Party!

So hi...I think I'm finally over my hangover. Damn Apple Pie Moonshine, and the usual "I'm to old for this ish." However, it was worth every bit of it! We started the shenanigans Friday night taking Dani to Frogz, and enjoyed a nice family dinner. Trying to keep it 'low key'.

Although I had been prepping and cooking for three days, after everyone went to bed, I was still sewing our skirts for the party and slaving away in the kitchen. I think that's pretty typical when it comes to Holiday feasts, but I still thought I was crazy to be standing in the kitchen in my stockings until midnight. The good news, is that it was aaaall worth it. Turkey stock from scratch, brining a turkey for two days, homemade gravy, cranberry salsa, meatballs, and cowboy caviar were my additions to the meal, and I am happy to pat myself on the back. The turkey was moist and no one got food poisoning, so I call it a win.

I know, I know, it doesn't look all bloggerific. I would have 'staged' it better, but we were at Joel's house. It was an act of Congress to get all the food and necessities there, so how it looked was the last thing on my mind. As a matter of fact, we were still sewing my skirt while I was cooking gravy in the middle of the party. Multi-tasking at it's finest.

The only thing better than the food were the party games. We played Gift Wrap With Mittens On, Stack The Nuts, and a Marshmallow Stocking Toss, which quickly led to a marshmallow fight. I think there was also a ping pong ball fight, but I have no clue what inspired that.

And since you should always share costumes with the world, we moved our soiree to the local bar. Here is the only picture I thought to take of our matching outfits. 
Mine = 'First Things First, I'm The Realest', Will = 'Santa's Favorite Ho', and Dani = 'Don't Be A Cotton Headed Ninny Muggin'". The best part is that Will picked out his green striped pants and he can't wait to wear them  golfing. I just like the way they accent his bootay ;)

Cheers to a successful Holiday party, a hangover that wasn't as bad as I anticipated, and the fact that it's all over. I made Will promise that he wouldn't let me take on anything like this for awhile, but I don't think he believes I meant it. I wonder why?


  1. It certainly looks like it was a super fun time!! You guys all look so fun and festive in your Xmas gear haha

  2. Looks like a blast, lady! So glad your girl came down to see you! Love all the costumes, you are sooooo talented with your cooking and sewing! I miss you!

  3. I want your shirt so bad! I have eyed it for a while online! I just need to order it, ha! You look cute!

  4. What a spread! You should be proud of yourself. I'm glad it ended up being a good time!

  5. It definitely looks like a great time! :)

  6. The party looks like it was a blast and the food looks delicious! Win! Glad you had such a great time and weren't too badly hungover afterwards :D

  7. Looks like a blast! I could definitely get down with that food :) yum.

  8. this looks like so much fun! and you look adorable! moonshine?? wow now!

  9. Presentation is not everything but taste is so I'd say you nailed it. Prepping and cooking for 3 days....just WOW!!! Good job.

  10. How fun! It looks like you guys definitely did the holiday party right.

  11. Looks like a super fun time! I wanna come next time. ;)

    Mandie ~

  12. Oh my goodness, the food looks delicious!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  13. Yall most certainly had a fabulous time, your outfit looks to cute!!!!

  14. Okay, so I might need to borrow some of those holiday game ideas!!! :) They sound like a blast!
    (Oh, and I am in love with that striped dress you're wearing. Too cute)!

  15. Glad you guys had so much fun!! :) I definitely am Googling those games. I am all about festive party games. :)

  16. I'm wondering how you play some of those games you mentioned!!

  17. I'd say it turned out alright ;) I had a great time and am so grateful for such a fun group of friends. Teck and I are working on the next themed party.

  18. Looks like you all had an incredibly fun time!! :)


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