Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Is Your Life As Good As This Kid?

I'm super 'hip' these days with my DVR, and as I was catching up on Rachael Ray last night, I was blown away by a boy up against all the odds. Little Ben is losing his eyesight, and instead of letting it get them down, they have created a bucket list for him of all the things he wants to 'see' before he loses his sight. Most people never finish their bucket list, and this kid will have done everything before he even reaches adulthood. We should all be so lucky, and kudos to his parents. They are raising a truly happy, sweet, humble kid.

I can only hope to live life half as full as that little guy. So let's talk about what's really been going on these know, the stuff that probably isn't blog worthy, but I feel the need to gab about it anyways.

+ Will and I were on a billboard! Well, technically it was just the back of his head and the top half of mine, but I'm pretty stoked about it. The best part is that we are in the running to win $1,000 smackers. I don't know exactly how we win, but it probably wouldn't hurt if people 'liked' our photo here on the Durden FB site. Only if you have a spare minute.

+ Anyone remember when my wrist was hurt? Well, three months and a Cortisone shot later...I'm HEALED!! I'm now a dork with doctor ordered wrist guards when I lift, but I'll take it. I love running, but I've actually missed burpees and pushups.
Remind me I said that when I'm cursing them next month.

+ Am I the only person that has my life flash before my eyes every time I go through the iPhone update process? I was actually two updates behind, and I blame Will. He asked how he was supposed to know I was behind, and I told him it's because he didn't update it for me or have me whining to him that I didn't know what to do, which usually always indicates that I haven't done it. I'm pretty predictable when it comes to this stuff, dude.

+ But the most frustrating thing...The newest meds my doctor is 'trying' on me have some crappy side effects. First side effect was just loss of appetite, which wasn't so bad, but then I would make terrible food choices because the only foods that I could make myself eat were not so good for me. On top of that, I started getting nauseous {cue a fear of being pregnant}, which just led to eating more crap if I could even get it down. Luckily, it didn't take me too long to figure out what was causing it, so byebye third round of meds that didn't do crap for me. Plus I refuse to take antibiotics. I would rather still have 'spots' on my face than mess with my immune and microbiome system. I think I've gotten better, but it could just be that I'm used to it. My face doesn't look shiny and clear like it used to, but it could always be worse.

Okay, now I feel better. You just can't go wrong chatting while eating homemade Blackened Shrimp Tacos. They were yummy for dinner, and even more yummy as my late night snack. Oh, and I will be eating them for breakfast too. I know it sounds weird, but I love leftovers for breakfast, and I'd rather have breakfast for dinner. I'm weird, get over it ;)


  1. That picture is fabulous, I hope y'all win!

    Speaking of fabulous, those parents are doing an incredible job raising their son. How wonderful they can take him to see his bucket list, what a great attitude he has. People complain constantly about much smaller things, kudos to him for his optimism.

    Hooray about the wrist, boo about the meds. I love ya, weird friend of mine!!!

  2. Gorgeous pic!! Praying for you and the meds and all the crap associated with that.

  3. this post makes me smile! y'alls billboard pic is amazing! voting of course! and love that story about the kid. So glad your wrist feels better. Sorry about the meds :(

  4. I saw that kid on The Doctors and I cried. More than I probably should've.
    P.S. I love that you're weird. Because I am, too. And it makes me heart you that much more.

  5. Umm shrimp tacos..YUM! I'm heading over to like your photo now! I hope you win :)

  6. Love that you guys were on a billboard! I liked it! :)

    Shrimp tacos = SO delicious!

    And hey, sorry about all the meds trouble. Hopefully they will figure out something soon!

  7. Congrats on the billboard! That's exciting!

    Also, I totally love leftovers for breakfast. I thought I was the only one.

  8. Sweet little boy!! And how cool about the billboard!! :-) Fingers crossed!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  9. Look at you guys on the billboard!


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