Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Turkey Day!

I know we are all thinking turkey, but really, let's take time this weekend to be thankful. Not for the settlers stealing the land from the Indians, but for the fact that if you are reading this...we make up 8% of the world. Let this soak in:

I really am thankful for a lot of things {Mapquest, coffee, my hunky hubby, family, friends that become family, all of YOU} but mostly because I will be spending Thanksgiving in paradise with the in-loves...Hello, white sandy beaches. I need you in my life.

But in all seriousness...I hope you all REALLY enjoy that turkey! I'll have mine in sandwich form smothered with stuffing and gravy laden potatoes, all followed by pumpkin pie. YUM.


  1. Great list and perspective, as always! I did a similar post today, too!

    Have a fabulous Thanksgiving in paradise and enjoy all the FOOOOOD!


  2. It's important to recognize and be thankful for all of the little things in life, too. Days like Thanksgiving give us an extra opportunity to do so!
    Hope you have a wonderful vacation--that picture makes me insanely envious of you!! :)

  3. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. I seriously love you, girl!! This is an incredible reminder we all need!
    Soak up that white, sandy beach for me!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. those numbers are staggering. thanks for making it what it's really all about!

  6. We have SO much to be thankful for! Enjoy that white sandy beach and Happy Thanksgiving, girl!

  7. Wow. Never thought of it that way, but I guess I am part of the 8%. So many things to be thankful for, hopw you enjoy the day surrounded by all those you love!

  8. Wow.. What a great reminder of how much we have to be thankful for! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  9. Holy crud. Lol. Way to put things in perspective! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a great time with family!

  10. That really put things into perspective -- it is too easy to forget about the little things you should be thankful for. I hope you have a wonderful and very happy Thanksgiving!

  11. I hope your Paradise Thanksgiving lived up to everything you were hoping!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving my friend!!!!

  12. Happy (very belated) Thanksgiving, girl!


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