Wednesday, October 29, 2014

29 Facts Of Me

Two days away from my birthday I decided to do a "29 Facts Of Me" {coinciding with the 29th of Oct, of course}, but I just couldn't come up with 29 new things that you don't already know about me, I'm allowed to tell, and were actually interesting. I came up with six, but the jury's still out as to whether you'll think they are interesting.

...I can't scream. I think my voice is too low or something.
...I'm always covered in paint from projects and/or burns from cooking.
...I loathe scary movies, but love haunted houses.
...I'm super cheap, but you already know that.
...I've watched Frozen about twenty times {but who hasn't}.
...I've read hundreds of Nancy Drew books, and started in First Grade

In Other News...
+ I can't wait for the Nashville Christmas album to come out November 4th. I love the show, and I'm obsessed with Christmas, so it's an absolute necessity.

+ Now...not only am I the FRCSC Secretary, I was voluntold to take over the Publicity chair too. Our Publicity chair is moving to Korea or something, so we have to have someone step in to advertise our biggest event of the year. I'm actually happy about it and would rather be Publicity than Secretary, but it's still a tidge overwhelming. 

+ The haunted house was AMAZING. I have so much to share about it, but putting that recap together is going to take awhile. Allow me to introduce you to Sid...

+ We have even more planned this weekend, but I'll have to tell ya after. I'm sure I'll post a few pictures on the ol' Insta of Gram, though. 

+ The best part is I ditched my original {tight} costume for a more figure friendly one, so I can eat and drink whatever I want! I figured,'s my birthday week and I deserve the cake Will made me, the whoopi pies my girl Karie made me, the cake Loni got the four of us that are celebrating birthdays this week, wing night tomorrow night, and the fact that everyone is making me drink on Friday. Well, the real reason was that the girls weren't fitting in my top right without a bra, but the gluttony thing is still a big bonus.

Two more days until Halloween! I hope you all have your costumes picked out. You tell me what you are going to be, and I'll tell you ;)
Linking up with Helene!


  1. I still haven't seen Frozen yet (are you screaming?? Oh wait....) :)
    Happy early birthday, friend!! Hope your birthday week is fun-filled :)

  2. BIRTHDAY WEEK! BIRTHDAY WEEK! It's your birthday weeeeeeeeeeek!!! WOOHOO!

    Glad you decided to wear something more comfy...cake is so important, especially birthday cake!


  3. I can't do scary movies or haunted houses. and guess what... I've never seen frozen! I need to get on that! Happy birthday week!

  4. Yay birthday week!! And october birthdays in general, we just rock.

  5. I love scary movies but have a difficult time with haunted houses. Yea, I don't know either. Ha!

    I'm gonna be a fairy for Halloween & I cannot wait. :)

    Mandie ~

  6. I love haunted houses and scary movies! My favorites!

  7. Happy birthday week! Eat lots of cake and have a blast! :)

  8. Happy early birthday girlie... I love haunted houses & scary movies they are the best! Halloween is my favorite holiday..

  9. I am the opposite with haunted houses and scary movies...I think I would pee myself if I had to go to a haunted house/ even on a haunted hayride! Happy birthday week!

  10. Haunted houses are so much fun! I'll watch scary movies, but I cover my eyes throughout most of it.

  11. Happy early birthday!! Who doesn't love costumes that give you room to eat and drink…I know I do!

  12. I almost just screamed with glee about the Nashville Christmas album. I had no idea!

  13. So excited for the Nashville Xmas album. Happy Birthday week! I am going to be a version of the Bride of Frankenstein.

  14. I haven't actually ever seen Frozen, but I concur completely with your opinion of scary movies.

  15. I'm totally the opposite. I love scary movies and hate haunted houses.

  16. I was thinking about you all weekend! I LOVE that you and Will were able to be together on Halloween and more importantly... celebrate your BIRTHDAY!! Yay!

  17. WHAT?! Nashville has a Christmas album? I am officially SO excited!! Checking it out NOW!

  18. I am the same way with scary stuff. Hate the movies but love love love haunted houses!


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