Monday, September 22, 2014

I Got Volunteer Of The Month!

I'm happy to report things are looking up since my last venting sesh. I got some much needed family time, a girls night out, and I found out I am the Volunteer of the month for the FRCSC!

That is nuts to me because I just started this volunteer thing. I didn't even know there was a volunteer of the month when I started painting those owls, and now I've gotten this awesome recognition. To some it may not seem like a big deal, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up a little. I've been working my butt off lately, and it's really nice to know that it's not going unnoticed. As a matter of fact, I mentioned to Will that he gets all these special homecomings, and I get nada when I come home. He needs to recognize I'm VOM now ;)

Girl time is also getting me through these days. I haven't really had many 'girly nights out' since I've been married unless Will was deployed or in training, but the paint party we just went to at All About Art was a big stress reliever. Wine, painting, and girl talk? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

It was awesome that our group took up half the room, but I don't think our teacher liked that very much. In the words of Carrie, don't tell us to bring wine and then get mad when we end up drunk tipsy. Let's be real...all that matters is that we can maintain a paintbrush.

Whatevs...our paintings turned out great, and even though I didn't really want to paint a peacock they were really cute, I made that ish my own, and my teal color scheme totally worked. I don't want to make a habit of losing time with Will, but there will definitely be another painting party in our future. Hhhmmm...maybe I should just make them all come to my house and have them help me paint/stain my benches, coffee table, and sofa console. I won't even charge them the $30 bucks! What about y'all? Any takers?


  1. WOOHOO, you go girl! Proud of you!

    And, love the painting, so pretty!!!


  2. Aww yayyy that's awesome!!! Love the painting!! We did that one time & I'm ready to go do it again!

  3. I'm glad that your giving spirit was recognized (and I know you would have done it anyway without the recognition) :)
    I've always wanted to do one of those wine and paint nights. They always look like a ton of fun! So glad you're feeling less vent-y :)

  4. It's always nice to be recognized! Great job!

  5. Congratulations! It's awesome to be recognized.

    I like that you make your painting your own.

  6. I've always wanted to try a painting party!! They look like so much fun!

  7. Congrats! That's amazing and you totally deserve it :)

  8. congrats Janna! you totally deserve it! i love how your painting is different than the others. you're definitely stand out :)

  9. Congratulations on being recognized for your efforts! That's fantastic! It's always nice when other people can see that we're working hard.

    And that painting party sounds like a lot of fun. I need to do something like that.

  10. You deserve it, Janna! You have done SO much! I'm glad you got some recognition! And glad you guys had fun painting together! :)

  11. I'm going to one of those paint and wine parties with some military wives this weekend and I'm super excited! It's my first girls night since moving to Florida and I think my husband is more excited about it than I am, haha.

  12. Congrats!

    Some of my friends do wine and painting. it looks soo fun but I am not artistic and my efforts don't even get an A. LOL

  13. Congratulations lady!!! I was nominated for volunteer of the month for the spouses' club here... but I was up against some stiff competition.. as in the chair that managed the community expo we just put on. So I lost. Which sucked.. but hey, I was nominated! LOL. Also, I love painting and wine classes!

  14. Congratulations on getting Volunteer of the month, thats great!!!
    Im having a girls night this coming friday and we are doing a painting class here at a local studio. It'll be my first one so hopefully its as fun as yours!!!!

  15. Congrats on volunteer of the month!! :)

  16. i love how yours is the most unique of color! and no kidding - bring wine, but don't get tipsy. are they kidding?

    congrats on being volunteer of the month! go you!

  17. I'm glad you were recognized for all of your hard work! I'll come and paint whatever you want at your house as long as there's wine and I don't get in trouble for being excited to be there ;)


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