Monday, August 4, 2014

When Healthy Goes Wonderfully Wrong

I don't like to label food as good or bad and try to think of it as fuel or filler instead. That's why I look at a lot of delicious looking recipes and think that I can take them from 'bad' to 'good' with just a few changes. Recently, I had the bright idea to lighten up a Loaded Baked Potato Casserole, but even lightened's still horribly delicious. At least my intentions were good, and as I put it together I really thought I was making progress.





Hey, you win some, you lose some. At least I can't call it a complete loss. Tell me this doesn't look delicious. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.

4 red potatoes, cubed
1 bag frozen cauliflower, thawed
3 tablespoons olive oil
4 chicken breasts, boiled and shredded
8 slices bacon, baked and crumbled
1 cup cheddar
1 cup mozzarella
6 green onions, sliced
4 tablespoons butter, sliced
1 cup sour cream + more to serve
Garlic powder, salt & pepper, to taste.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place potatoes and cauliflower in a 9x13 baking dish. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and garlic. Stir to coat evenly, and then stir in half of the cheese and sour cream. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes. 
While that is baking, mix the other half of the sour cream, 1/4 of the cheese and most of the bacon into the shredded chicken, and then mix it in the casserole around the 30 minute mark. Top with the last 1/4 of cheese, lay butter slices over casserole, and season with salt & pepper.
Recover with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for 15 more minutes. Top with green onion and the last of the bacon.

I'm not going to suggest you make this, but if you do I must warn you, anyone who eats it will instantly fall in love with you. Consider it an aphrodisiac of sorts, and you can take my husband's word for it. WinkWink. A man's heart really is through his stomach.


  1. My mouth is watering!! That looks amazing! Definitely adding this to our post-wedding meal plan!

  2. the end product looks amazing am going to try the recipe out

  3. Damn, that looks good!!!! YUM!

    So sad I was in Denver without you, this weekend. I sent you an air hug on my way home! We need another blate, fabulous friend! xoxo

  4. That looks SO good. I would eat that for breakfast right now haha

  5. Seriously, this is just making me want to come to your house for dinner and request this. It looks that good!! And I don't have an oven...or a stove at the moment 'cause we're living in a hotel so that's my excuse for not making it myself!

  6. Hmmm, I'm thinking that I'll totally have to try to make this. Do you think that I could do it in the crock pot?

    Mandie ~

  7. Looks AMAZING!!! Taters, bacon and cheese for the win!!! I love your pink knife too.

  8. Yum! I think I remember you saying that you had hypoglycemia? Have you had to make any changes to your diet since?

  9. Hahaha! I love this! It looks SO good! I'd scarf this right down. Yum!

  10. totally see veggies in there. that makes it healthy! ;)

  11. Looks SOOO good! I pinned it and will be recreating this recipe...eventually...

  12. That casserole looks like a little slice of Heaven. I just started following your blog and am a little obsessed right now! My boyfriend is in the military too -- nice to see other gals out there that can relate to what we all go through! :) xoxo

  13. Oh girl that looks amazeballs! Everything is better with bacon and cheese! lol

  14. That looks really freaking delicious!

  15. Still looks amazing!! Sometimes things are healthy and sometimes they are healthy for the soul :)

  16. oh gosh, my stomach is growling haha yum

  17. Whoa! This looks SOOOO good! And it's healthy enough ;) Definitely adding this to my dinner menu!

  18. Oh my gosh, gimme gimme gimmmeeeee!

  19. Haha!! That looks so good. I so want to make this, sometimes you just have to live a little. ;)

  20. That's looks mouth watering. I can tell you I'd rather be eating that right now than this kale and romaine salad I made this morning.


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