Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sorry I'm Late, Boss!

Technically I don't have a boss, though Will likes to think he is. I passed out at 8PM last night, but woke up knowing I didn't have a blog post ready, to which he replied: "I'll allow you to post late tomorrow." Whether I wanted to listen to him or not, I was back to sleep not long after that. I guess I really have been busy lately, and I wasn't looking forward to waking up early for lab tests AGAIN. Yep, I had to fast twice this week, had to wake up early twice this week, and had to have blood taken TWICE THIS WEEK.

Confession || I use the fasting as an excuse to eat like crap, which makes me feel like crap :(

Confession || Things are really good these days, but I still feel like something is missing.

Confession || I wish I were home with my Dad for his birthday.

I will always be a Daddy's girl, and couldn't be anymore proud of my wonderful, loving father. At least I got to see him last week, and I'm already counting down the days until I see him next. He showers me with hugs, love, and has always makes me feel like a princess. He most definitely taught me to set the bar high, and I'm thankful for that. To the best daddy in my world, Happy Birthday and I LOVE you!


  1. Happy, happy birthday to your daddy!!!!

    Glad you have an understanding boss ;)!

  2. I hope your Dad has a wonderful birthday!! :)

  3. Ugh having blood drawn for testing is no fun! Especially when you have to do it more than once to close together. Hope your dad has a great birthday!

  4. Happy birthday to your dad!!
    I hope you find what you're 'missing' soon!! And no more blood tests/fasting!

  5. You had to fast twice! Ugh. Hope your Dad has a wonderful birthday!

  6. Wish your dad a happy birthday from me

  7. Happy birthday to your dad!

    I hate when I feel like something is missing.

  8. Hope everything clicks for you soon- hate that missing feeling!

  9. I hate missing my parents' birthdays, hope your dad had a great one even though you weren't with him!

  10. Happy birthday to your dad! I hope you are done with the fasting too.. that shiz sucks.

  11. Yuck to fasting :( that's never fun. Happy birthday to your daddy!

  12. Aww, happy belated birthday to your dad! He sounds like a great guy!

    And I'm sorry about all the fasting/bloodwork! That's no fun! :(


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