Friday, August 22, 2014

"HOO" Are We?

First order of business...In case you are like me and would rather donate than waste water, my sweet friend Kelly is raising money for Pancreatic Cancer in honor of her father. She even created an FB page where you can buy her gently used, adorable clothes and ALL the proceeds go to the cause. You know it feels way better to donate than to pour ice cold water on yo'self.

On the quest of deciding what I want to be when I grow up, I've realized that any job I've ever had that involves event planning has always made me the happiest. The only problem is that most of those jobs require many hours on nights and weekends, and Will and I don't want to have opposite schedules. Well, I may not be getting paid for the event planning I'm doing now, but I get volunteer hours and the events are during normal work hours! We just won't go into how many hours I spent painting on nights and weekends, because at least I got to do that in the comfort of my own home.

Okay, so what did I put all that effort in for? We just had our kickoff event for the new year of the Fort Rucker Community Spouse Club. It was a Membership Exhibition and sets the theme for the whole year, which is "HOO" Are We?. A great way to focus on getting to know our members and incorporate cute owl decor.

I got to hang out with some of the most amazing females in the world {like, the whole world}, and promote awareness for causes like Operation Homefront and Team RWB. Oh, and there's cake...really, really, really good cake. I tried to say no, but I couldn't ignore the marble bliss.

The highlight though, was my sexy soldier showing up and telling me I did a good job. Anyone in the world can tell me I'm good at something, but it means way more coming from him. He's as happy as I am that this event is over...maybe more. I know this because when a friend asked for volunteers to plan our Ten year Reunion, he flat out said no before I even entertained the idea. We may or may not be having a reunion, but I can't do it all.

As for answering the question "HOO" am I...I'm a wife, daughter, sister, friend, volunteer, chef, tutor, housekeeper, and anything else I feel like being on a given day. The more I try to accomplish, the more I realize that anything is possible. "HOO" are you?


  1. You would be the best party planner or wedding planner. The owls look so good, lady, you did a fabulous job.

    Marble cake is too good to say no to, I'm glad you indulged :)! You and Will look fabulous, as always!

    Have a wonderful weekend, friend! xoxo

  2. You did such a good job!! They look great! :)

  3. Those owls you painted are just about the cutest things I've ever seen!!!

  4. haha this is so cute! i love owls, who doesnt.

  5. Looks like you did an amazing job! I love the big paintings of the owls, very cute! :)

    Mandie ~

  6. You did an awesome job!! Love how he said "no" to the reunion, hahah!

  7. Looks awesome!! I am owl obsessed so I am seriously in love with all the owl decor!! Great job girl!

  8. I LOVE the decorations!!!! I became obsessed with owls after becoming an Origami Owl Independent Designer. You did an amazing job!!!!!

  9. Ahh! It's all so cute! You did a great job, girl! I'm sure Will is excited to have you back to himself (for at least a little bit before you volunteer for something else)! :)

    Also, I'm checking out your friend's FB page right now!

  10. Your Owl's turned out great, you did such a fabulous job, Good to hear you had a wonderful time at the Ft. Rucker Spouse Club Kick off!!!

  11. You are so talented. The Owls came out great! Haha, too funny he said no to the reunion.

  12. You have so many talents, girl! It's amazing!! This sounds like it was perfect for you!


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