Friday, August 8, 2014

Hob Knobbin' Around Fort Rucker

With all the excitement lately, I realize there have been a few key events left out. I may not get to them all, but I really want to brag about getting to be a part of the Fort Rucker Spouse Club. Now, if you had told me that I would want to be a part of something like this five years ago, I would have thought you were crazy. In fact, Will used to give my false information  to the organizations on post, because some of the groups were more about drama than support. Luckily, here it's a whoooole different story. In particular, this night was filled with good food, a few shenanigans, and an open bar. I could really get used to this!

Oh yeah...that's me down there, front and center with the Command Team spouses for the whole post. Spouses don't wear rank, yadda yadda yadda, but these high powered ladies make me feel weak in the knees. They are surprisingly pleasant, and yet awe-inspiring. Maybe it's because I've spent more time with high ranking officers than spouses, but it's very exciting to experience this new culture of the military. Plus it's a lot more pressure for me, because now I become a part of his career, as well. Needless to say, I feel way in over my head, but I'm happy to learn the ropes and support my soldier in anyway possible. At the end of the day, we are all just spouses who love our soldiers!

Some of you may recognize the dress from my Altar'd State shopping spree, but let's talk about that hair though...I haven't curled it in what feels like a year, and I realized how much I missed it. It's still a pain in the butt, but sometimes it's worth the trouble. Do any of you have a favorite {easy} way to curl your hair?

Become friends with people who aren't your age. Hang out with people whose first language isn't the same as yours. Get to know someone who doesn't come from your social class. This is how you see the world. This is how you grow...


  1. You are just the cutest! You should totally curl your hair more often, too! It looks so chic on you! Have a great weekend :)

  2. Wow, that's quite the group of ladies. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

    Mandie ~

  3. I don't think curling your hair is ever easy unless you want to try that curling iron that snaps your hair into it-which frankly scares the heck out of me!! What a wonderfully active community for spouses you have gotten involved in. I think that's cool. You go through so much, you need a support system too.

  4. I love that last quote about stepping out of your bubble basically. You are such a lovely person, Janna!

  5. I LOVE your hair like that! So beautiful :)

  6. Such a big group, glad it is a group of support. Your dress, shoes and hair is just so pretty. Glad you are finding this group to be a much better fit.

  7. You look fabulous, your last comment really hit home for me!!! I've been struggling a bit with the move and making friends and a current situation and your comment really touched me. Thanks a million!!

  8. So glad you found a great group of friends there! I think it'd be so hard to go through his military career without a strong support system of other people who know exactly what you're going through.

  9. I firmly believe spouse clubs are what you make them. I am on the board for the one here at Fort Gordon and like you I've met some of the command team spouses. It is crazy! But I love it because they are GREAT connections to have. Plus it makes your hubby look good when you are involved in a good way in the community!

  10. I just bought a curling wand and I am getting the hang of it - I love the outcome but it takes SOO much time!

  11. What a beautiful group of ladies! I am so glad that you have found such a great group :D

  12. I loved hanging out with K's 93 year old grandmother. She'd tell me stories and we'd talk about the old classic films like Casablanca, which I live.

  13. Just now catching up on blog reading! I have to tell you - I was down in Destin this past week and I thought of you! If it hadn't been our anniversary trip I totally would've called you up to hang out!

    Aaanyway, looks like you had so much fun rubbing elbows with important people. :)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!