Monday, July 14, 2014

Ugh...I Feel Like A Cow!

A ChikFilA cow, that is! I have wanted to participate in #Cowappreciationday for years, and I finally got to. I ended up going all by my lonesome, but that sure wasn't going to stop me. I grabbed an old top from my donation pile, sharpie'd on spots and udders, and a cow was born. It was a little strange walking around as a cow, but it was TOTALLY worth the effort. I got a chicken wrap, side salad, and a lemonade FO'FREE.

From there, it was time to get my hair did, and that went pretty well too. {She didn't wash it, so don't judge my three-day hair.} I like this chick because I showed her pictures of what I was looking for, she was honest about how it would work on my hair, and came up with a happy medium. I know it doesn't look like we did that much, but we managed to thin it out SO much and there are a lot of layers that she snuck in to create volume when I curl it.

At that point, I was going to a Painting Party with the girls, and thought the rest of the weekend would be spent at home. Boy, was I wrong. Each night ended in the wee hours of the morning, there were BBQ's, Brunch, and the World Cup Finals, and it was all as exhausting as it sounds. I almost feel guilty about having so much fun lately, but we spouses are really supporting each other like I've never seen. Technically, Joel is not a spouse, but he most certainly gets all the perks of hanging out with all of us.

In closing, I'll tell you my favorite part of the weekend. We were at the bar on Saturday {I was totally sober as the DD}, and this guy asked me if my skirt was a skirt or shorts. Instead of just telling him it was a skirt and moving on, I whipped a safety pin out and made Steve Urkel shorts. It went over so well that people were asking to take pictures with me, and I've heard the pictures are already floating around Facebook. Good times.

Life is short, and there is nothing wrong with acting a fool.


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend, glad to hear your hair appt. went well, it looks great!!!

  2. YOU are so stinking cute! I love your outfit and your hair, so jealous!!!! Miss you!

  3. hahaha! The shorts story was pretty funny but they actually look kinda cute jacked up like that. It reminds me of the outfits from the 70s (that are coming back in style) where the shorts and top are connected. Cute but pain in the butt for potty breaks.

  4. what a fun weekend!! looks like a blast! and i love that you dressed like a cow ;)

  5. You are such a cute cow!!! Only you could come up with such a cute little costume on the fly. Oh the things we do for free food! LOL.

  6. Acting a fool is fun.

    You go with your cow costume! Awesome work.

    I'm glad the hair stylist worked out for you!

  7. Your hairrrrrrrrrrr! So gorg! Someday I'll be your personal hair stylist... some day!
    Love that you dressed up and went to CFA on your own! Your hashtag totally cracked me up on IG!

  8. Hahahaha! Your "skirt shorts" crack me up! Also I love that you really committed to CFA day! You made the cutest cow ever!

  9. I love your cow shirt!! And the skirt shorts look fabulous! :)

  10. You are definitely the cutest Chick-Fil-A cow I've ever seen! Super creative!

    bahahaha I died laughing at the Urkel shorts!

  11. Yumm I have a serious Chick-Fil-a obsession but haven't mustered the guts to participate in cow appreciate day. You look super cute!

  12. Such a cute cow outfit, and yeah for free stuff! Life is short, and acting a fool is fun!

  13. Bahaha! Between the cow outfit and the Steve erkel outfit - you need to become a fashion blogger! :) you're so cute and living it up at every moment! Love it!! xxoo

  14. You did such a good job with your cow DIY!

  15. You did a great job on your cow outfit! It doesn't look like you used a sharpie at all, it looks like the shirt came like that. Glad your hair appointment went well :) Yay for having an awesome weekend!

  16. So glad you have found a group of people to hang out with. Absolutely the hardest thing to do, but the most rewarding!

  17. I'm seriously bummed that I missed out on the free Chick fil a! I guess I need to get on their mailing list! ;)

  18. I love your cow outfit!! You did a great job on it and can't complain when you got a free meal :)

  19. You are so creative! What a cute cow you made! And no one hates free food. No one!

  20. You're tooooooo funny. I might have done the skirt/shorts thing too though... lol

  21. I used to dress up every year for a free combo! I missed it this year, but my go-to was always a white trash bag covered in black spots :)

  22. Only you could pull off a fancy outfit like the one you pinned yourself there! ;)


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