Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Life's A Beach, And I'm On One

Much like Birthdays, I rarely spend fourth of July with my husband. Facebook allowed me to hop through my timeline today to find out that we have missed five of the seven Independence day celebrations, and this actually surprised me. I guess I never noticed, because it's not my birthday or my most favorite holiday, and I still get to celebrate. I do however, feel bad that he's missed so many Fourth festivities when he's the one that's still fighting for our freedom. I think we are going to have to make next years celebration one for the books to make up for it. For now, at least I can say that this year's was a success.

Thursday, we kicked off the festivities with my first official FRCSC event as the Secretary! Obviously I didn't set up the tables as you can see the boxes underneath, but no one at Freedom Fest cared, and they bought all of our memorabilia.

Some of the other wives came, so I got to enjoy the festival with them, and then we watched the biggest fireworks show I've ever seen. Fort Rucker does a great job on Freedom Fest as a whole, but apparently they had left over fireworks from last year. Double fireworks? Heck yes. Triple, if you count going to Joel's after for sparklers and roman candles.

Does anyone else think that fireworks are magic?

I don't think it really hit me that Will is gone until the morning of the fourth, though. I was alone, I had no plans, and I was wishing I had gone home for the holiday. I kept telling myself {out loud, mind you} that I should just text everyone to see what they were doing, but I thought that some would be doing family things, some were out of town, and I was just being a baby. I guess I wasn't the only one feeling alone, though, and the next thing I knew, we were having girls night with wine and some of the best pizza I had ever had. I could have ended the fun right then and there, but the weekend only got better.

The boys are away, so the girls {and Joel} will play! I was brave saying yes to go to the beach not knowing if I have solved my face issue {clue: I think I have}, but I am SO glad that I joined the fun. We relaxed, chatted away, met some fun bartenders, and even found my favorite bathing suits on sale at Ron Jon's. Funny story, I had told everyone how much of a lightweight I was, and then after about four sips of my margarita, I was slurring my words. Sure, our new friend Dennis made it extra strong, but c'mon...four sips? Needless to say, I was happy to only have one seeing as I was driving home six hours later.

Oh, but the food...We had planned on looking for something a little more authentic, but when you are starving with a slight buzz, Pompano Joe's will do. Actually, my Grouper Reuben was one of the best things I've ever eaten, and that wasn't just the buzz talking.

The other two hadn't been to Dick's Last Resort, so we popped in there and it didn't disappoint. For those of you that haven't heard of it, it's one of those places where they...well, act like dick's. I'll just let you read the hats. Our bartender started off mean, but it didn't take long for us to crack him. By the time we left, he was begging us to stay. We win.

To say that this was much needed fun, would be an understatement. No drama, Bahama Mama, good for the soul kind of day, and seems like a turn in the right direction for me. Now we just can't wait to take the gang back when they get home. If we had that much fun in one day, it's going to be epic next time. Countdown: 12 days!


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome 4th!! The fireworks looked amazing in your pics so I can't even imagine how they looked in person! So jealous you got margaritas and to go to the beach on the 4th.... I need to get my butt to the beach soon!

  2. I love fireworks I stay glancing at them like a little child. And those hats made me laugh, I'm glad you guys won lol. Stay safe xoxo

  3. It's not the 4th of July without MEGA fireworks! Love your Good Vibes Only shirt!

  4. I'm sorry you weren't able to spend the 4th with Will but I'm glad to see you had a good day overall with fun people!

  5. The Dick's hats are always hilarious.

    I'm glad you had a great Fourth! Sorry Will couldn't be with you.

    I'm a firework hater, but mainly an illegal firework hater. I love Disney fireworks, do they count? It looks like Fort Rucker put on an awesome show.

  6. First of all, I love Dick's. Those hates make me giggle! Ha, ha!

    Secondly, that really upsets me that your hubby is there protecting our freedom, yet he isn't able to celebrate 4th of July like he should be able to. Really makes me mad. However, it sounds/looks like you had a good weekend.


  7. ohhh hey gorgeous! looks like you had a great time!! I love the fireworks!

  8. Love the Dick's hats!! Too funny! Glad you were able to celebrate with some friends. Looks like a blast!

  9. Sorry you didn't have hubby with you but it looks like you managed to have a great 4th just the same.

  10. I didn't know you were from Bama.. me too! We spent this weekend at Orange Beach it was awesome!!! Looks like you had a good time too!

  11. I'm glad you got to go to the beach! You know I love any stretch of sand and water! :)

  12. That food looks delish! It's been so long since I've been to PCB!! Looks like you had a good time :)

  13. Looks like fun at the beach! Love the "good vibes" shirt! Where'dya get it?

  14. Glad you were able to get out and have a fabulous time with friends and you didn't have to celebrate at home alone!!!

  15. What a fun weekend glad you found some people to have fun with.

    I am the same way as you, I feel like people already have plans so sometimes I don't text them to see what is going on.

  16. you seem to have had a lot of fun

  17. Awe! It looks like y'all had a great fourth of July! I won't be on a beach for like two more months, but I can't freaking wait!

  18. Oh, I know holidays without the husband can be a bummer! This year was actually the first year since we've been married that Angel didn't work on the 4th--we actually got to watch fireworks together, he said he's used to watching them from inside the hospital! haha...hope you get to have some fun with him soon!

  19. We spent yet another 4th without Kev as well. It is always a bummer. But I am glad you had a great time with friends!

  20. Oh I'm SO glad it turned into a goooood day! You totally deserve it! And I'm jealousssss of your beach time! And your bod ;) You're a babe!


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