Friday, June 20, 2014

My Not-So-Nine-To-Five

Helene in Between

My boss is a slave driver. He's demanding, sexist, needy, dirty, and makes me work long hours. He's so lucky that taking care of him is the best job I've ever had.

Since beginning this 'new job', I've realized that household duties are not 9-5 like I thought. I assumed that I would get the domestic duties, shopping, meal prep, laundry, etc. all done in time to put on lipstick and meet my hardworking hubby at the door, but boy was I wrong. Instead, laundry is usually done at night when Will needs something particular for work the next day, dinner always takes longer than I anticipate, making his lunch for the next day happens in the dark of night, and I clean whenever the urge strikes even nights and weekends. It's a really good thing I've always operated on a different and flexible schedule. I guess I could try to be superwoman like some of you and organize my time better, but that seems like a job in itself and I think being flexible is the only way I can get everything done and still have my sanity. Oh, and Will does the dishes. That's the other key to my sanity ;)

My boss does give me time for myself, which we have seen manifest itself into a Pinterest fest. Blogging also takes up a large part of my free time, and yet I'm still not able to do it as much as I projected. I had lofty goals of blogging five to six days a week again and commenting on every blog I love, but I still can't figure out how some of you do it. Like Helene and the heck do they comment on hundreds of blogs a day and have time to reply to every comment on their blog? Nope, not gonna happen over here. I'll just go finish another Pinterest project, like the following:

In closing, my not-so-9to5 is including, but not limited to, nutritionist, secretary, sexetary, maid, chef, personal shopper, and pseudo-psychiatrist. Basically, I have the best job ever, and I have zero room to complain. I'll probably get a 'real' job in the future, but for now I'm livin' large, and Will sure isn't complaining!


  1. bahahaha sexetary!
    I'm glad you're liking your new job and your "boss" :)
    Love your project!! Come help me with some household stuff..please and thank you! :)

  2. Best job ever!!!!!!!!!! Love your project, you are so talented!

  3. It is never ending... I am always behind on something.

  4. In my opinion you have one of the best jobs ever!! Enjoy. : ) And its funny how that happens. You get more time so you think you will have so much more time to do certain things and somehow it just doesn't pan out that way.

  5. When I'm off in the summers I have a hard time keeping up on the daily house hold stuff. I keep thinking "oh I can do it tomorrow" which then turns into an entire day spent cleaning and doing laundry. I don't know how stay at home moms do it, I give them lots of credit. I think you just have to find the schedule that works for you :)

  6. cleaning the house is the worst. i hate it. im sorry but I do!!! it never ends!

  7. You are awesome. What a great job. LOVE your pinterest project!

  8. You're the cutest!

  9. I absolutely love that I get to be a stay at home wife right now, too. Only for another month, but it is a pretty awesome job in my opinion, and I definitely stay busy! :) Your earring holder is really nice! I've never made anything that could store my earring and have them all in the open where I could see them like that--that's really cool!

  10. staying at home is the best! when i was at home, i did nothing but relax; best 9 months of my life (and no, it had nothing to do with kids). so enjoy this time because when you start working again, it's going to suck!

    Vodka and Soda

  11. Can I get paid to have your job please!!! :) Love your jewelry holder, its to cute!!

  12. Bahaha. Love your definition of your 9 to 5. It took me 3 plus years of having that 9 to 5 to figure out and stay on top of everything. And I still have my moments. I love that pinterest craft though!

  13. Cute project, girl! It turned out really well! :)

  14. I want to do your job. Like now. Unfortunately it's not in the cards any time soon. But some day!

    I like the sexetary part the best ;)

  15. I would have to say that my house-wife "job" is by far my favorite too :D


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