Friday, May 9, 2014

Pomp And Circumstance: WOCS Graduation!

I almost forgot that it was Military Spouse Appreciation Day, but I just have to send out a big hug to all my fellow Military Spouses! Each and every one of you has helped me or given me inspiration at some point whether you know it or not, and I'm forever grateful ;)

Now that I've been a Warrant Officer's wife for two weeks winkwink, it's time for the WOCS Graduation recap! This is going to be one of the biggest events of our history as 'The Bogerts' and our military career, and as if I haven't already been proud of my soldier, I'll just brag a little bit more share what continues to makes me so proud.

Perhaps I would have been nervous on the day of graduation, but eShakti was nice enough to save me the trouble of finding the PERFECT dress for the occasion, I was surrounded by family, and I knew that this was the only thing standing between me and my soldier coming home. Will was impatiently waiting for us at the museum too, and it was seriously adorable.

Sidenote: This might be my favorite picture of all time because these are the only three people in the entire world that love every fiber of me and have been there no matter what. They are also the three people I feel most blessed to know and to look up to.

With a few minutes to spare at the museum, we walked through the history of the new world we are entering into, and I felt my heart float in my chest with anticipation. The families were abuzz, the Army band was filling the whole place with good vibes, and the graduates were grinning from ear to ear. The day was here.

This ceremony was similar to other graduations and promotions we have attended, only this time, they brought in a General as the speaker, the prestige was evident, and Will was the superstar. Honestly, every time they said his name throughout the ceremony, it gave me chills. I don't even think he knew how important the Distinguished Leader Award was, but it was most certainly evident during the ceremony.

The general events of the ceremony were the speaker, awards, 'Pinning' the new rank on the soldier, and the installation of the new Warrant Officers. My MIL and I each got to pin on one side of his shoulder boards, and the good news is that I didn't trip! I pinned my sexy man in uniform, and then I was the one grinning from ear to ear.

I think the most significant thing for him, was receiving his first real salute from his Mother, the Senior Master Sergeant. My MIL has served twenty-two years in the armed services, and it might have been the epitome of her career, as well. I can only imagine the significance of saluting your own son. She created him having hope that he would grow up healthy and happy, and he's overcome every obstacle, thrived during any struggle, and surpassed all of her dreams. She might be the only person in the world that's more proud of him than me.

For those of you interested, I created a video with footage of all the graduation events to share with our family that couldn't be there. I get chills when I watch it, because I still can't believe that we went through all of this just a short time ago, and we have even more to look forward to. If you watch it, pay attention to my mad editing skills. I had to get pretty creative to squeeze hours worth of footage into fifteen minutes. You're welcome.

I would like to thank eShakti for introducing me to their amazing dresses, my friend Serge from Nuyoka & Co for helping me fine tune the video, thankful our family that traveled to be with us, and most of all...I'm grateful for my amazing hubby and real life Prince Charming.

But seriously...isn't this dress so cute? The print was totally out of my comfort zone, but now I wouldn't change a thing about the dress. As with all of their clothes, it's feminine, classy, well-made, and beyond reasonable priced. Did you notice the pockets? I flippin' love pockets.
Can't wait to order more for dress season!

Super heroes don't wear capes, they wear combat boots.

**Merchandise was provided by eShakti, but opinions are my own. No other compensation was rendered.**


  1. Congratulations to your husband! And I can't imagine how proud you must be of him. Thanks for posting this. Since my husband leaves for WOCS in August, I've got lots of questions of what to expect.

  2. Congratulations! What a wonderful experience.

  3. Congrats to Will! Awesome job!

  4. That dress is adorable! I love it! Very nice. Everyone looked incredible & congrats to you & your man. :)

  5. Congratulations to your husband! You look amazing; that dress is so cute!

  6. What an accomplishment for the hubs! Cheers to him! Glad you were able to capture it with so many good pictures!

  7. Congrats to Will!

    G-d I love that museum and space. Did Will teach you about the engines? My brother taught it as "Suck, Squeeze, Bang Blow Throw!"

    And thank you for your service to our troops :)

  8. Congrats to Will!

    G-d I love that museum and space. Did Will teach you about the engines? My brother taught it as "Suck, Squeeze, Bang Blow Throw!"

    And thank you for your service to our troops :)

  9. Congrats to your husband. Your dress is so pretty.

    Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day!

  10. Such a special moment!! How cool that you get to be a part of it. I personally find it sexy when my husband is a-in a uniform and b-when he's in military mode with salutes and all. Congrats to him on his accomplishment. And I love your dress.

  11. LOVE the photo of Will and his mom. What a special moment. Congrats to you all!

  12. Love this! Congrats to Will! :)

  13. WOOHOO! GO YOU! YOu looked fabulous pinning on his new rank. And Will, of course looked fabulous in his uniform too. The salute between him and his mother is so sweet and heart warming.

    Looks like a wonderful ceremony and your dress is SLAMMIN'!

  14. Congrats to Will! Soooo super cool and your dress is gorgeous!

  15. Oh wow, I had no idea about his mom! I got chills reading the portion about her saluting him for the first time. A little teary eyed too! Congratulations to Will!

  16. Congratulations, Will! (and Janna!) I got a little teary reading this post.
    What a wonderful ceremony and honor. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    These pics are fantastic!
    And I LOVE your final quote - I admire the combat boot wearing heroes more than anything!

  17. Good morning, my boyfriend starts WOCS this week and I’m thinking about surprising him by bringing his parents to the graduation but i was wondering, do you have to have tickets to the graduation? Or can you bring as many people as you would like without tickets?


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