Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Latest Masterpiece: Dresser Repurpose

If you don't care about this tutorial, just scroll on down to see the finished product and tell me it's pretty. I spent a whole week on this thing, so I want confirmation that it was worth my time. Not that I don't get giddy every time I look at it, but you know what I'm sayin'.
Perhaps you remember this old dresser...

We actually bought that dresser for half off at Salvation Army, and it was meant to be a stand in until we decided on an entertainment console. Fast forward three years later, and we still haven't decided on new furniture. Well, I got tired of looking at it, so now that I have the 'spare time' to take on new projects it was time to revamp the eyesore.

The problem, was that this isn't even a real wood dresser, as in it's basically a step above Ikea. I knew there had to be a way to paint this god-awful mixture of laminate and particle board, so off to Pinterest I went. Yep, that means that I'm actually using the pins on my boards and not just pretending anymore! Really all you need to know, is that Primer is your friend, and it will allow you to paint anything your little heart desires. A lot of paint is made with Primer nowadays, but when we are talking about laminate and un-sanded surfaces, the real stuff is the way to go. Save yourself the freakout later when your paint starts bubbling up.

**I also recommend going with water based products, because if you've ever tried to clean your brushes and pans, oil-based is a biatch to deal with. Along with those supplies, don't forget to pick up a little Paintbrush & Roller Kit. Mainly, you need a paint tray and a decent brush, but having a couple different sizes of foam rollers won't hurt either.**

Step #1
After you've laid down cardboard or tarp, remove the drawers/ hardware, clean all the surfaces, and get to priming. 

Oh hey,'s dark outside.
Time to pack it up and let it dry over night. Don't get scared, it only took less than an hour.

Step #2
Day two and three are for laying the color with drying time in between, and that's when you really feel like you are making the magic happen. If you are feeling froggy, you can even take a piece of sandpaper to the edges to distress them before putting on your Polycrilic. Just don't get too froggy or you will have to paint over your mistakes. Sidenote: You can also use the sand paper to get rid of any drips or mistakes along the way.

Step #3
Protect all your hard work with the Polycrilic finish. You have to be really careful with the water based version of this {and you may even want to try oil based}, but if you take your time, it turns out beautifully. It adds to the finish without discoloration or the heavy lacquered look.

Step #4
Decide what to do about the hardware, because the drawer pulls are the key to creating a full update. Surprisingly, this was the hardest part. The extra ones I had were the wrong size, I went to Lowe's and their selection was meh, and I searched Etsy but the prices were ridic, so finally, I realized I'd just have to make do with the originals. I decided that a little  Periwinkle Spray Paint would do the trick, especially since I already had another 'piece of crap art' that I desired to have Periwinkle. Inspired by this pin.

Gotta love killing two birds with one stone can of paint. So now we have some wall art, and I get giddy everytime I watch tv with my new entertainment center.

Whoops, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Step #...I forget, is putting the whole shebang back together.

And's like a whole new dresser! Or shall I say Console?...Yeah, that sounds fancier.

I wanna pat myself on the shoulder, and say 'Git down wit yo bad self!'
Now, ask me about the Floor lamp I made. I'd love to tell ya about that one too ;).

Last but not least, I'm happy to announce that Jamie from Handling With Grace won The Coffee Doge giveaway, so let's give her a hand! This lil momma of two and fellow military spouse deserves a sweet treat, but thanks to everyone that participated!


  1. Looks great! I can't wait to have a place of my own to do cute stuff like this.

  2. Oh wow, it looks great! Such a difference. I've got a bedroom unit that I've been meaning to vamp up for like forever! You've just given me the motivation to crack on with it :)

  3. Oh my gosh Janna it looks so good! You did such a great job on it! I love it :D I really want to start working on some DIY projects now ha ha.

  4. it looks awesome! i love repurposing old furniture for new, snazzy stuff!

    Vodka and Soda

  5. That looks amazing friend! You did a fabulous job!

  6. Oh my god, Janna! This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I love it! I have a few projects here - interested? ;)
    Thanks for sharing!
    I hope you're settled in and loving where you are.

  7. Wow! That looks amazing! Nice job! I love it, it really pops now! :)

  8. That looks fantastic!! Now that I've got more time (thanks to being done with my job), I may have to take on a DIY project like this.

  9. Look at you go!! this is so awesome!! now come help me...!

  10. Looks awesome. I have a few pieces that I'm going to be redoing over the summer while I can spray paint too.

    I love painting and "upcycling" Great job!!!

  11. Wow! Your dresser/console looks great! I am inspired! I'll blame you when the hubby comes home and asks what in the world I am doing?! :) Show us the floor lamp! I am actually on the hunt for one! Hope you are having a great week!

  12. That looks really fabulous, Janna. I love it! Especially the periwinkle accents.

  13. Ohhh Janna!!!!!!!!!! You did an awesome job!!

  14. It looks so great!! Good job, girl!

  15. I love this!! IT looks so good! The new paint gives it a frseh look and I love the pop of color. Well done lady!

  16. What a difference! I love the Periwinkle color, it's not a typical choice but totally works! Love it!

  17. It looks great! You did an awesome job.

  18. This looks awesome! You seriously did an amazing job! I need to start doing the DIY things I see and pin. I love being crafty.

  19. Seriously, I LOVE it! I need to become a diy-er!! You're my inspiration, girl ;)

  20. Seriously, I LOVE it! I need to become a diy-er!! You're my inspiration, girl ;)

  21. I just found your page, so you did not sand it, wow I'm going to have to try this out. Love your page by the way.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!