Friday, May 2, 2014

I Think I Really Found My Calling This Time

Considering I don't have a job, I'm far too excited for it to be Friday. In my defense, I've been blogging, working on a video of graduation week, cooking, cleaning, working out, and attending two Fort Rucker events, but sheesh...where are my bonbons and mimosas? We did have Mint Julep's at the FRSC luncheon, but ssshhh... That was supposed to be a business luncheon, and by business, I mean Derby themed par-tay. Some of you may have seen the hat I made for the occasion, but here it is!

Apparently, I was a hat designer in another life, because I had no clue I had that in me. Who knew at twenty-eight I'd be discovering hidden talents. At least I have some, I guess?

There was a contest for best hat, but alas I didn't win. Not that I needed any confirmation that my hat was and was the best, because well- duh! I still had a lot of fun, and was offered the position of Secretary on the executive board. It must have been the hat; It screams "I'm a great typer." Yes, I know typer isn't a word.

Dress H&M Here, Still Available in Black

All I can say is thank goodness it's time to take a break. We are heading home for the weekend, and if I don't make it to the beach this time, heads will roll. We are dropping Weiser off  to be pampered this weekend, and then it's time for 'us' time... Well, actually I wish I meant that.... Instead of the romantic getaway I was hoping for, we will be attending a birthday, visiting family, studying, and attending an anniversary brunch. So yeah...It's going to be the longest short weekend ever. Next week. Next week, I'll take a break....

Cheers to the freakin' weekend. I'll drink to that! Yeah-eah.
Now you have that song stuck in your head. You're welcome.


  1. That hat is adorable! Have fun celebrating this weekend!

  2. Love love your hat, you look stunning!!!! Have a safe trip home and enjoy the weekend!!

  3. i'm not a hat person but even i love that hat! i also got caught up reading your story about you and will --- i love it!! such a sweet tale :)

    Vodka and Soda

  4. That hat is amazing! Woohoo on being elected secretary, that's awesome!

    Have a great weekend lovey!

  5. Agreed, your hat is the Who seriously could have beat that?

  6. You can do everything!! Hope you do get a little R&R in this weekend!!

  7. I love your hat, and your outfit! You look amazing!
    I hope you have an amazing weekend with family and friends :D

  8. You are one busy lady!!! And your hat should have totally missed your calling!! :) Enjoy your longest/shortest weekend! :)

  9. From what I've seen on this blog I believe you can make ANYTHING!!

  10. Love that hat!!! You look great! If I would have known you were such a hat designer I would have ordered one from you for my Derby party this weekend. Happy Friday!!!

  11. Cute hat. Totally fits into the Derby! and I don't have a song stuck in my head because I don't know the song... score!

  12. You did such a great job on that hat! It looks amazing!

  13. I love the hat! Nice work! :)

  14. You're so cute! And the hat is extremely awesome. Seriously. You have a future as a "milliner" - Yep... I just googled "what is a hat maker called" ... :)

  15. You are the cutest! :)
    Hope it was a fun weekend despite it being so busy.


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