Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I Heart Salisbury Steak

Hi'ya, and Happy Belated Memorial Day!

Since the holiday, I have a sick hubby, a dirty house, fifteen loads of laundry, and so many bug bites that I look like I have the chicken pocks. I guess that means summertime is in full swing! I probably should be making summer-ish foods, but instead I've been on a soul food kick.

I took this Pinspiration, mixed it with a few others, and came up with a SUPER easy- MOUTH watering recipe. You can put it over rice, veggies, on a sammich...whatever works for you, but I paired it with Butter Beans from my uncle's garden, and lightened up mashed red potatoes with some cauliflower.  You could even go all mashed cauliflower, which is probably what I'll do next time. Without further ado...

Well, now that my mouth is watering, I'm going to enjoy the leftovers for breakfast. Let me tell ya, the leftovers are even MORE amazing than the first round if that's even possible. Now excuse me while I savor and put off clean the house for a little while longer.



    Feel better Will!

  2. Hmmm...I may have to try this sometime. It looks delish! :)

  3. I think my husband would LOVE this meal. I might have to pin this so that I can remember it.

  4. this looks soooo good! I need to pin this recipe for later :)

  5. nom nom nom! it's like you're reading my mind. I'd been thinking about steak and mushroom sauce for dinner all afternoon at work

  6. Janna!! Man, this looks SO good!

  7. This looks amazing! I gotta trt it out asap!

  8. That meal looks like it will perk up everyones spirits. It is comfort food at its best. I hope you all feel much better real soon.
    Blessings, Catherine

  9. I have never had mashed cauliflower. but I think maybe I should try it out.

  10. Yum! One of my favorite meals. :)

  11. My Step Dad used to make Salisbury steak when I lived at home and I loved it. I've wanted to try to make it myself but for some reason it seems so intimidating. Yours looks so yummy!!!!

  12. I used to love Salisbury steak as a kid. Look good I'll have to try it! The laundry will always be there tomorrow! ;)

  13. That looks and sounds absolutely delicious!! I haven't had Salisbury steak in FOREVER.

  14. My husband would DIE if I ever whipped this up in out house. Honestly, I am not a big fan of this type meal, but oh my word...your recipe looks deelish! You may have changed my mind! :)

  15. Oh wow, Mark was just asking me yesterday if I liked Salisbury Steak. I can't quite remember eating it but I"m sure I have... but it was ironic to see your recipe here.

  16. MMM, this looks delicious and not too difficult. I think I can do it! :)


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