Monday, April 7, 2014

Girl Talk And Tornadoes

I'm not entirely sure I will be able to post this, because I'm in the middle of a tornado watch with thunder and lighting popping all around me, praying that we don't lose power. I think I may only be calm because I'm having to hold myself together for Weiser. Poor thing is NOT a fan of thunder. I have him wrapped in his favorite blanket, though, and at least I don't have to leave him to go anywhere. This is definitely a new perk of not working; I don't have to worry about my house being destroyed by an anxiety filled dog!

I was planning on going to the gym today, but that doesn't seem smart. The good news is, I am so used to working out at home, that I can get in some HIIT Circuit Training even without power. In fact, I may wait to see if it goes out, because that would be a great way to kill time. Either way, I can't let this weather keep me from working out, during the #1800MinuteChallenge.

Today, we are supposed to share what music gives us inspiration, so I'm going to tell you my secret weapon. Have you ever heard of Mash Ups? They are basically 'Bastard Pop' songs that have been created by overlaying songs to create new songs. Something about them really gets my blood flowing, and I either have to dance them out or work out like a beast. I was first introduced to Girl Talk a few years ago, and my obsession has grown. My iPod is now full of mash ups, and I don't want to ever go back to 'regular' music.

While you check out some mash ups, you can also read the New Rules Of Fitness. I usually don't agree with mainstream 'rules', but these are pretty good. We are starting to realize that we actually know nothing about our bodies and what to do with them. I know that sounds sad, but it really is a positive. It shows that we {not including the dang genetically blessed} are all in the same boat, and we can learn what works for our own bodies. Instead of thinking "Why doesn't this work for me if it is supposed to work?" We can say, "Well, that didn't work, so onto the next workout!" Workout freedom.

 It's time for me to trick Weiser into going outside again while the lightning and thunder have calmed down for a bit. I know homeboy can't hold it all day, and he's going to have to get used to this weather out here. Sorry Weezy-booboo, we aren't in Kansas Colorado anymore!. Hope you are all having a less exciting Monday, haha.


  1. STAY SAFE LOVE! I need my Janna Banana! :) xoxo

  2. Stay safe! Keep your phone plugged in just in case.

  3. ohhh no!! hope you are staying safe!! girl talk is amazing!

  4. eeep!! i don't know what i'd do in a tornado watch. stay safe!!

    Vodka and Soda

  5. I love a good mash up! :)

    Hope you guys stayed safe! Poor pup looks so scared!

  6. Hope you stay safe and the tornado doesn't hit too hard!

  7. Aww poor Weiser, I don't think any dogs like to go out when it's raining and thunder makes it even worse!

  8. Poor Weiser! I hope the weather gets better.

  9. I hope your doggie isn't too traumatized.

  10. I'm working on the #1800minutechallenge too--but thankfully not during weather like that!!

  11. Tornado watches are not fun. We get them a lot here too.

  12. Its not spring in Texas without tornado warnings so stay safe and hide in the bathtub!

  13. Welcome to the fun of tornadic weather! It definitely isn't fun but that's the time of year we're in!


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