Monday, March 31, 2014

Precious Moments

There are precious moments in life that almost seem too beautiful to be real.
My niece's Baptism is now one of those moments for me.

On Sunday, we drove up to Andalusia, AL. so that sweet Madelyn could receive her Baptism from the very same Minister that blessed her father, my brother Michael. He was our childhood Minister, so it was full of memories and love for all of us. Reverend Tim is retiring soon, which means Madelyn will be one of the last children he blesses. For that, we were all very thankful that she brought us all back together.

Maddy was a perfect little doll the entire service, and entertained us through lunch and dessert at her Great-Great Aunt Maggie's. I had so much fun snapping pictures all day, and I think she has become my favorite subject. She's like a real life Precious Moments doll.

Babies are such amazing little beings that remind us to not take life so serious. The innocence and purity of soul really take your breath away even if we have all become enamored with moving forward. I am thankful that my brother and SIL created this little one so that yours truly has been stilled. I love you Madelyn, always and forever.


  1. SO cute. I bet it's awesome getting to be a little closer to family for a while! Glad to see you're taking full advantage of your new post :)

  2. So cute! Babies are such a gift! Bless her!

  3. oooh your niece is so precious!! what a beautiful girl she is!

  4. Awww she's so beautiful! Love all the pictures you took. Baptisms are such important days :)!

  5. Such a cutie. I am sure it wasn't too hard to get good pictures of her with her good looks and all :) So nice that you were able to be there.

  6. Your niece is adorable!!! Congratulations on her baptism :)

  7. What a SPECIAL day!! And she really is a doll baby! So precious. You described babies so perfectly! No wonder they start out so tiny, innocent, perfect and loveable. Because only a short year later they have ALL sorts of attitude and their favorite word is "NO!" but you fell head over heels in love during that first year so that you can make it through the next 17 yrs of life, ha ha! At least that's what I tell myself ;)

  8. What a little cutie pie!
    Glad you was able to enjoy time with her on that special day :)
    I know she may not know it now but one day she will cherish that moment that you all was there for her just as she will once day when he gets married & has children of her own & such as well :)

  9. so precious!! they grow so fast too. i was just looking at kayla's passport pic of when she was 2 to the one we submitted today and man, what a difference/

    Vodka and Soda

  10. She's beautiful, Janna. And what n amazing auntie you must be. They're precious little souls which is why we keep fighting so hard.

  11. What a little cutie! That look up with the "O" face was just too much cuteness!

  12. Absolutely beautiful!!! Such a precious moment to be apart of!!!!

  13. Soooo cute! Definitely a very special moment :)

  14. She is SO stinkin' adorable! I just wanna eat her up especially with that cute lil headband! Oh my gosh! Simply precious! :)

  15. She is too freaking adorable!

  16. You sooooo need one of these :)


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