Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Finally Hit A Wall

And boy did I hit it hard.
Other than a few irrational moments, I've been trucking along trying to take this whole move in stride. I actually thought I had avoided the big melt down, but in doing so, it must have taken a toll on my body. How do I know this? I have been left physically immobile today. Yes, I'm sore from going to the gym after a week off, but I have NEVER been so sore and physically drained for no apparent reason. I don't seem to be sick <yet>, so Will grounded me to the couch for a much needed respite today. The in-laws are gone, the house is quiet, and Netflix is the height of my entertainment.

I must say, this move was easier than the last. We worked like a well oiled machine no matter what was thrown at us, and you know I'll follow Will to the ends of the Earth, it's just that sometimes we all forget that we are mere mortals and have to allow ourselves a 'moment' and time to process in stressful situations such as these. Perhaps if I had given myself a break instead of trying to remain cool, calm, and collected, it wouldn't have hit me all at once causing this debilitating condition. Oy vey, I swear I'm not looking for pity, just admitting that I don't have it all together, and I'm ooooookay with that.

Anywho, the following was the highlight of my day because everyone loves a visual in blogging, and I'm not about to post a picture of myself laid up with my legs wrapped in a heating blanket, {but for reference, it definitely helped the muscles}.

This transition is going to be well worth these little hiccups, and luckily I have the most amazing and supportive husband by my side. Good news, is that the in-laws left just in time for Valentines' Day, 'cuz as we all know, it's not exactly a family holiday. Aw sookie sookie. Happy Valentine's Day and mental health to all! I plan to be tip top shape by then ;)


  1. BAHAHAHA your last comment had me dying laughing. I mentioned it to le husband and he laughed too! You have yourself a seksi vday okay!?!?

    And get better soon, I know you are a super girl but you don't always have to be! I LOVE YOU!

  2. Bahaaaahaa love that last comment!! No it's not my friend!! Enjoy your vegging!! You are a trooper! Xoxo

  3. Haha you make me laugh! Enjoy relaxing!

  4. Aww Janna, that's rough. I'm glad you are finally vegging out a little (thought it sounds like you don't have much choice at this point, haha). I hope you are back to 100% tomorrow for your special v-day plans. ;)

  5. Hang in there girl!!! Enjoy your valentines / mental health day with your hubby!!!!!!

  6. Moving is such a stressful life event, I can't imagine how tough it would be moving across country in the middle of a freak winter storm. I'm glad you have a rest day!

  7. hahah, glad that you have some time to yourselves to "enjoy" :)
    Hope you get some time to really recover and feel back to normal!

  8. moving is the worst...i hate it so much!

    take time out to recharge and relax! once everything is done, you can kick back and drink some wine :)

    Vodka and Soda

  9. ugh i hate moving. no matter how smooth it goes! and yes, v-day is for LOVAS!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day and rest up, sounds like you might need it!

  11. I hit the wall too!! I tried to avoid a meltdown, but it didn't happen. I can't wait to get settled and life to get back to normal..

  12. Moving is a hugely draining process!! And slightly unfortunately, my parents arrived at our house with a moving van on the evening of Valentine's Day--and we've spent most of this weekend packing. I hope you're feeling better, girl!

  13. Good to know you're feeling back up to par. I've got a tickle in my throat this morning and I'm trying to nip it in the bud.


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