Friday, November 15, 2013

He Tricked Me, And He's HOME!

Well, good morning!
I had a post scheduled, but now it doesn't seem appropriate, and let me tell you why...

Yesterday, I had anxiety to the max.
Only one day until Will would be home, and a million things I wanted to accomplish. I needed to detox after eating like crap while home hello bloat, the sheets needed to be changed, there was laundry to be done, I hadn't gone to the grocery store since he left, and the beer wasn't even in the fridge yet! Then, I got off work late because I was managing, and Buck was bugging me about meeting him at the house under the ruse he had left something there. I told him I had to go to Wally World, so then he said we should grab dinner at Applebee's (of all places), since it's right there. I would have said no, but didn't feel like figuring out dinner with everything going on and headed there first.

As I walked up, I saw Buck through the window and wondered why he was waiting. It was a Thursday night, so why would he have to wait for a table? Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Will walk around the corner. My heart stopped, and my jaw dropped...was I seeing what I thought I was seeing? I, of course, ran and jumped on him, and the people sitting by the window must have gotten a good show. The tears were flowing, and my heart was full. My soldier was home, and had completely tricked me!

Guess what? None of the stuff I thought I 'just had to do' before he came home mattered. We had a few drinks at dinner, we changed the sheets together, the last thing on our minds was the groceries, and he didn't think I looked bloated at all.
He is home, we are happy, and life is grand.

Happy weekend, all! I know ours will be <3


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww yay! welcome home yay surprises!

  2. That is so sweet! You two are fricken' adorable! Have a good weekend!

  3. I LOVED this picture yesterday!! Such a good man! And I'm so glad he's home :)

  4. YAYYYY! So sweet of him to surprise you! Love it!!

  5. Aww yay! Have a great weekend!

  6. Such a lovely surprise! I'm so happy for you, have a lovely weekend :) x

  7. That has got to be one of the best surprises ever. So sweet.

  8. What an amazing surprise! Glad you have him home, enjoy the weekend!

  9. That is so sweet. Surprises are always so fun!

  10. Best. Surprise. Ever!!! So cool. Enjoy your homecoming weekend together!

  11. What sneaky little tricksters they are!! Have an amazing weekend :)

  12. Awwwww!!!! How sweet!!!! What an awesome way to start the weekend!

  13. What a wonderful surprise. Have a great weekend!

  14. Ahhh!! I am so excited for you!!!

  15. yayay!!! this makes me so happy!! you're right it all really doesn't matter!

  16. Yea! Good surprise Will! I'm glad you're together again.

  17. Yay for Will being home early and Yay for surprises! Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. amazing surprise!! love you my sweet friend. Enjoy your honey

  19. Awe I love this so much! You guys are the cutest!! :) You - bloated? Come on girl! ;)

  20. Im a sucker for sappy homecoming stories no matter the time you've been apart or the reason. I love it!!! What a wonderful surprise, just shows the little things us wives stress and worry about don't really matter in the grand sceem of things.

  21. And that has to be the cutest thing I've read today! That is the best kind of surprise and trickery if you ask me!

  22. Seriously, I LOVE THIS!! So freakin' sweet!
    And I bet it's next to impossible for you to look bloated!

  23. Welcome home! What's an awesome way to surprise you!


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