Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Yours Truly Is A Writer, Kind Of

Yes, I know we all enjoy writing or we wouldn't blog, but not all of get published in a Chicken Soup book! Am I right, or am I right?

Okay, so I know it's not the biggest deal in the world, but I am pretty dang proud. The fact that I can say that I was paid to write is a dream come true! I have such a passion for the written word, but I rarely think I'm good enough to go any farther than this blog. To say I feel blessed is an understatement, but I'll have to go more into that soon.

I'm happy to report that we have made it through five days of not talking to Will, and this is how I've occupied myself:

1 | Ladies Night Out with the co-workers!
Hence the hangover on Monday.
2 | I recently took up crocheting, because I already don't have enough on my plate.
I'm making a baby scarf for my new neice!
3 | Another present from Will: Dri-Fit ARMY pullover.
You saw the matching shirt in the last video. I promise I won't wear them at the same time.
4 | A. Buck {Our favorite third wheel} took me for a Birthday massage at Massage Envy.
Didn't think I was sore, but my whole left side was a big knot from favoring my right side.
4 | B. And then he really spoiled me with Chik-Fil-A. 
We were just glad we thought to go on a day that it wasn't Sunday!
5 | I hate candy corn, but the M&M version is my FAVE Halloween candy.
If you have never tried them, you better scoop 'em up if you see 'em!

I can't even tell you how many people make fun of me for being a 90 year old woman in a 19 year old's body, and now the crochet thing is totally giving them more evidence. DILGAF? For now, I am simply enjoying this week with friends, and then next week I will be right back into hibernation mode until Pensacola. I still can't believe that I will be there in eleven short days, and I will get to spoil this little nugget.

Le daddy is so good with kids. I can't wait to squeeze them both!!
Well, I'll catch you on the other side of twenty-eight, and can't wait to see everyone's costumes. Anyone doing a link up for a costume reveal? Could be fun ;)


  1. OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! YAY Janna! your love story and relationship is perfect for that book.

    Wanna give me a sneak peek!?!?

    I'm so proud of you, ma'am! ROCK ON!

  2. That is SO great!! As a lady writing this news is just lovely!! Great job!!
    :) Rebecca

  3. JANNA! That is awesome!!! SO exciting!! eeeeeek :)

  4. That is crazy exciting!! I know I'm thrilled whenever I get one of those all-too-rare acceptance letters! Congrats!

  5. That's so exciting! I'm excited to read your story once it's published! :)

    Glad you are keeping busy and taking up new hobbies! That baby scarf is going to be precious. :)

  6. Thats SO awesome that you got published in there! Love it--I'd be excited too :)
    Glad you're making it through the no-talk time alright. Distractions are always the best!

  7. That is so awesome that they are publishing your story! I can crochet but I knit more, I always feel old saying that I do, but it is totally soothing and distracting.

  8. That is so awesome!! Congrats on getting your story published :D
    I totally knit and crochet - I prefer knitting because I never have straight rows crocheting ha ha.
    Hope you have an amazing time celebrating with your family ♥

  9. ummm excuse me?!!!??! this is the coolest thing ever. so awesome! so proud of you!

  10. Not a big deal?! Umm, YES! Congratulations, that's really awesome. And you niece is so cute! I remember when mine was that little. I refused to put her down :)

  11. I truly believe candy corn m&ms were created by the devil! They are way too fantastic to be anywhere near me. haha Congrats on your published story girl! That is awesome.

  12. Congrats on the article! It is a big deal. It would certainly be a big deal to me. It feels good to be validated as a writer. Love that girly Army top. And there is an mm version of candy corn? I heard there is a starburst version too but I haven't tried either one. It's about time that candy had an update.

  13. So cool knowing that you'll be in a book! I got excited like that when one of my recipes was published in Taste of Home: Healthy Cooking magazine, and will be in their 2014 cookbook. Such an awesome feeling!

    That cute! They are so great to snuggle with at that age cause they just sit there while you hold them...can't wait for my own!!

  14. Congratulations on getting published! That's an amazing accomplishment.

  15. That is soooo awesome! You are an amazing writer. I wish I could write have as good as you do. :)
    Sounds like you have been keeping yourself quite busy. That's the best way to make the time fly!

  16. Congrats on being published!! It really is awesome (I'm published too and let me tell ya, royalty checks are awesome)! Bring some cold weather to Pensacola when you come.. it's too warm here!

  17. That is amazing, CONGRATULATIONS! I read all of those when I was little!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  18. Congrats on being in the book!! I think it's a pretty big deal. Haven't read one of those in a long time but I may have to check it out :)

    Glad that you have been keeping busy :) Looks like fun

  19. Janna, that is so awesome! congratulations!!!!

  20. Good for you! That is so awesome lady! (:

  21. Yay! Congrats! I really want to learn to crochet! Love that yarn you chose! :)

  22. Dude, that is a B I G deal!! So exciting! Congratulations!!
    Love that you're crocheting! If I knew how, I'd totally make all sorts of cute things for Mia!
    Your precious baby niece is to die for! You're going to love all the sweet snuggles!

  23. Glad to see someone also has the same feelings as I do about the written world. I think people should write more often, it helps to express yourself. Congratulations on your success. I can only hope to do the same! =) Keep writing!!!Its inspirational to others as well, remember that.


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!