Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We Are Those People

You know the ones that I'm talking about...
That have a great relationship.
Rarely fight.
Love each other to the point that it doesn't seem possible.
We make the best of every situation.
Find joy in the little things.
That value hard work.
And thus get what we worked hard for...

I am happy to announce that after two very long years, Will has been selected to become a Flight Warrant! Not only will he get the badass job of flying helicopters, he will also become a Warrant Officer. This new job will take us close to family, comes with a pay raise, and gets us out of a deployment. It's like we won the life lottery, and I couldn't be any more proud.

As Will pointed out the other night, when he first mentioned that he wanted to join the Military, I said "Heeeell no." I was completely against the idea and never planned on leaving Florida. Period. Now, five years later, I have followed him all over the country, waited through a deployment, tailor my life to his career, and even rock some {tasteful} Army swag gear.

Never say never...

I tried to look up a cute Pinterest quote to go with this and it was a lot of Bieber fever nonsense. It's like he created that  Never Say Never song, and took over the quote.

And just so y'all don't think everything is too "perfect" around here, last night Will wrapped his arms around me spilling his drink, but didn't want to say anything so that I would get annoyed that he got it all over the bed. Then, I unknowingly went downstairs for a snack and came back to find my laptop on the floor. When I asked why my laptop was on the floor, he confessed to spilling his drink and then trying to change the sheets before I noticed. He's lucky that I spilled a little coffee that morning when I sneezed and he fessed up, because I totally would have noticed that we went from plain white sheets to white sheets with subtle stripes. He may not know the difference, but I do.

We aren't perfect, but we are most certainly perfect for each other!


  1. That is so exciting and you guys deserve it!

  2. That's so awesome! Congrats to your hubby.
    And I'm glad to see there are other couples who rarely fight, have a great relationships, etc. When it gets brought up and I tell people that my husband and I rarely fight they look at me like I'm an alien. It amazes me that we aren't the norm.
    But congrats, you deserve it. =]

  3. this is such great news!! I am so happy for yall!!

  4. WOOOHOO yay congrats!!!!

    So happy and proud of will!!!!

    Where are you moving too?!!?


  5. Congrats on Will's promotion!! That is wonderful news!! I love the pic of the two of you. So sweet.

  6. That is AWESOME news. Congrats to you both!

    No one is ever perfect but when you find the person who is perfect for you, it makes your whole life shine that much brighter. SO happy that you found your match :)

  7. That's awesome girl!! Good for you guys <3

  8. That line at the end... YES! That's exactly how I feel. I know that we are both flawed people, but I really can't imagine anyone any more perfect for me than my husband. :) Anyway, enough about me, let's talk about YOU GUYS! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! So exciting! So are you moving to Florida? Or just closer to family? I am excited for you regardless! :)

  9. Woohoo! Congratulations to you both. Sounds like everything's shaping up quite perfect to me :)

  10. Congrats pretty girl! Y'all deserve it!

  11. Congratulations you two!!! So so happy that you will be moving back home. so sad I didnt get to see you while you were in CO, but I am so excited for this new journey. Love you Janna!!

  12. Congrats!! That is so awesome!!!!

  13. Congrats!! That is amazing for your family. You two are so cute together.

  14. How amazing!!! Congratulations! :)

  15. Sweetest post ever and so happy for y'all! :)

  16. YAYYY!!! Congrats to you and Will!!! Such exciting news, and so well deserved! So where will you guys be heading, and when?!

  17. Congrats!!! I know he has worked really hard for this and you have been that wonderful wife by his side through it all. My hubby is a WO too! What good news that there will be no more deployment. That is awesome!! I kinda feel like we are "that" couple too. We don't fight and anything I'm ever annoyed with him about is usually stupid petty stuff.

  18. Congrats to him! What an amazing accomplishment! So happy for you both. It's nice to see couples so in love after all the stress of military life and other things. =]

  19. YAY! Congrats to Will! So excited for the both of you!

  20. Congrats to Will and yay for you two having such a great relationship ;)

  21. Congrats on Warrant! We drove through Ft. Rucker a few times. It's really close to Panama City!!!

  22. Wow! Congrats on the new job for Will! How awesome! Florida is amazing this time of year, as you well know :)
    My husband and I used to be that couple, that is until his lovely PTSD from this past deployment. But we are slowly making our way back to the way we used to be.
    I'm so glad things are so good for you!!!!!

  23. I LOVE THIS! It made me tear up! Congrats to Will!

  24. Congrats!!! Beautiful post :)

  25. Yay congrats!! But now you aren't moving to WA ;(

  26. Congratulations!!! How very exciting! What a huge accomplishment in his career, you two deserve all the good that comes your way :) SO happy for you!!

  27. Congratulations!
    You and Will sound a lot like my husband and I, in our relationship.

  28. YAY! Congrats you two!!!!!!!!! So very excited for you love birds! So very well deserved! XOXOXOX

  29. Awwww!! Yay for you two! I'm super excited! Do you guys get to come back to Pensacola? I love how you two are the epitome of the saying "hard work pays off"! And I'm loving the pic of Will holding the little quote!!

  30. That's so exciting!! I'm happy for both of you!!

  31. Congrats on the new job!!! How exciting!

  32. YAY! Congratulations, Will!! I am so happy for you both! But kind of sad at the same time... we HAVE to meet up before you move across the country!
    I've said it before but I'll say it again... I just love your love! You and Will are one of the best couples out there!

  33. That's so exciting! Congrats! So happy for you two! :)

  34. cute, cute! so happy for you guys (: you guys are meant to be.

  35. Congrats to Will and to you! That is really great news! Guys don't think we notice those things but we do! ;)


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