Friday, October 25, 2013

Handsome, Intelligent, And Shopped Pinterest For My Presents? Unbelievable.

Okay, so I know my Birthday isn't until the 31st, but in my eyes, it already happened and by far surpassed my own imagination. Picture it, Prince charming cooking your dinner, dipping fresh strawberries in chocolate, followed by a cake that HE baked, and presents that he found on your Pinterest board, while you take it all in from the fireside of the mountain cabin he secretly reserved for the weekend. I shit you not, I have THE PERFECT husband.

For three years, I have wanted to see the leaves change, and every year I am left unfulfilled. That is, until Will took charge and planned our weekend getaway in Florissant, Colorado. Welcome to our humble abode for the weekend {insert Vanna White hand wave}.

After a leisurely afternoon stroll through the autumnal paradise, Will hopped in the kitchen to make those fresh chocolate covered strawberries and one of my favorite meals. Even though we ran out of propane in the middle of cooking the steaks, they still came out perfect. To be honest, the whole dinner reminded me of one of our first dates and the beginning of our relationship in general. Just like the days of our humble beginnings, he made me Steak Au Poivre in the skillet, and it still melted in my mouth.

After dinner, he banished me to the bedroom, and I wasn't allowed to come out until the following was set up. Take special note of the Coconut Carrot Cake that he made from SCRATCH. Apparently, he went over to Buck's to bake it that morning he disappeared. 
Well played, sir.

Our third guest didn't seem thrilled, but this party wasn't about him. His birthday isn't until November, and now I know that I don't have to wear a party hat for his birthday.

As I sat there taking it all in, I was completely in awe. 
With tears in my eyes, I read the letter he wrote to me...

To my love,
I don't even know where to start. I spent all week trying to come up with the right thing to say, but it wasn't until tonight that I found the words. Something you said this evening struck me.You said, "You are so a fairy tale", and I thought to myself, I have never found myself to be that incredible. I do these things because you deserve nothing less. You are my rock, my launchpad out into the world, and my safe haven when I push it a bit too hard. You sacrifice so much in support of me and the Army, so this weekend I wanted to be sure you know just how incredible YOU are. I'd be half the man I am today without you, and I can't wait to spend my life with you.
I love you,

I won't go into details about what happened next, but I will tell you that there was a Jacuzzi involved, and I properly rewarded him for making me feel like a princess. Or queen, as he called me. I'll take either title.

Come Sunday, the fun wasn't over. 
We got the inside scoop on a local spot, and ventured out to find "The Falls". They really do keep the secret quite well, because even the directions are quite confusing. Like the parking was just a "pull off on the left, past the house with the moose statue". For reference, we never found the moose, but the good news- is that we did find The Falls!

We were kind of expecting something along the lines of Niagara Falls with the hype this place got, but we still weren't disappointed by the beauty of the hidden gem. It might have been the tiniest waterfall I have ever seen, and yet, even the rainbows managed to find their way to greet us.

Afterwards, we decided to relax and soak in the Jacuzzi one more time. I feel so blessed that we can spend every moment together, and then still lay back and talk for hours. After five and a half years, we still chat it up like when we are dating. Possibly more, actually...he intimidated the shit out of me when we first got together, so I might have talked less back then ;) Sssssshhhh, don't tell him I admitted that.

Now, we have a week until my Birthday, and I already feel incredibly fulfilled. Thank goodness, because the Army took all their phones away for the next nine days, which lends me on the empty side. That means I may or may not get a birthday message or call from him, but I can only hope that he can call me {without getting into trouble} on the day I will need to hear his voice the most. Only time will tell!

Have a great weekend, all!


  1. That is amazing. He really went out of his way to make it special for you--and looking at the Pinterest board for present ideas? He's a flippin' genius!!
    So glad that you have a guy who goes the extra mile to make you feel special :)

  2. AWWWW SO AMAZING! He's such an amazing man, I'm so happy you have him and are so happy in life. Love like yours makes me smile and realize the world is an okay place!

    I LOVE YOU! Happy almost bday!

  3. Sounds like it was an amazing weekend! So glad you got to spend the weekend so calm before he went away. Happy early birthday!

  4. Stooooooop it.
    Okay, DON'T STOP!
    I seriously love you two! Sweetest birthday surprise(s) ever! And that letter? I wish EVERYONE could read it! The view the world has on marriage these days break my heart! The commitment, the hard work, everything that marriage is and stands for is SO WORTH IT! When you find the perfect person you can't NOT fight for every moment with them! You two are an amazing power couple :)

    p.s. I'm so sorry, again, that he's gone right now :(

  5. Oh my gosh this looks amazing! You have an incredible man there, I'm showing this to my husband and telling him to take notes!!!


  6. he really is so thoughtful, what a lucky lady you are!! this is just gorgeous, well deserved!

  7. This is amazing! I Love it! :)

  8. he is so amazing, but he is right, you deserve it all. Happy early birthday to you beautiful lady! xoxo

  9. That setting is absolutely perfect and beautiful. You are so spoiled and you so deserve it!! What a sweet husband. Happy Birthday.

  10. Wow, what amazing photos! Will really did a great job planning your birthday!

  11. What a sweet, sweet husband you have :) One thing that you guys do that I can tell is that you never give 50/50 in the relationship-you both always give 100% towards each other, which I KNOW is one of the keys to a happy marriage :)

  12. Oh, Janna. Yall never cease to amaze me!! SO stinkin sweet. Absolutely GORGEOUS place! Glad yall were able to take your cute pup!

  13. All I can say is WOW! You are right he is a keeper. Makes me want to get rid of the kids and just spend some one on one time with my hubby! Hoping your lonely time goes by fast!

  14. The idea of where you went is gorgeous! You definitely have someone who cares for you! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that he gets to call you. Its a good thing you both got to celebrate though.

  15. Oh WOW! That boy is a keeper! That's an incredible birthday gift!! What were those pinterest gifts you go got on top of that amazing trip?!

  16. Oh my gosh. Absolutely breathtaking! You hit the jackpot and are beyond blessed to have such an amazing man!

  17. You have got to be kidding me. Your husband for the win, Janna. Lucky lady! And Happy Birthday!!!

  18. I hate you! Ok.. not really. I'm just jealous as hell. You honestly have a great MAN. And MAN is in caps because I feel like he is the epitome of what a MAN should be.. a soldier fighting for our freedom and a great husband to his wife. I'm so glad that you got to enjoy this treat. Hang in there girl-- in NO TIME, your hunny will be back in your arms!! XO

  19. I am so happy for you, you truly have such an amazing husband. The fact that he went through your Pinterest boards for present ideas - genius! It looks like you had an amazing weekend, and you deserved it ♥

  20. What an amazing weekend, I am so glad you guys had that time together. Will rocks for planning everything out! Fabulous!

  21. How precious! He did so good :) I am glad you both enjoyed your time together.. Happy upcoming birthday sweet girl & I hope he can call on your birthday..

  22. That is about the cutest thing ever, love it!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  23. yep, still amazed with the both of you! such a sweet and romantic birthday!

  24. What a sweetheart and so thoughtful! Colorado looks beautiful and looks like you had a great time!

  25. gah, you guys....
    haha. he's a keeper.

    the view is sooo amazing. i'd love to explore colorado

  26. Looks like an amazing birthday celebration!

  27. happy birthday! what a gorgeous place to stay!! and i'm impressed with his cooking skills!

  28. Oh wow, he did awesome. So super cool and what a gorgeous place!

  29. :) You do have a quite amazing guy, that sounds like the perfect birthday!

  30. CHILLS! I got chills reading this, Janna! I just love the two of you together! His letter to you is what really got me. I'm so glad you guys got to have this wonderful time together! And I love that you brought your pup along. I want to go to a cabin in the woods and bring Oreo! That would be such fun! :)

  31. How incredibly romantic!! You are such a lucky lady. :)


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