Monday, September 9, 2013

Tractor Pulls, Thievery, Breast Cancer Awareness, And More!

Welp, the recaps are done, so I guess I can catch you up on everything else that has gone on. I'm surprised that so much has happened in a week that it's not all going to fit in today, but summer has been interesting this year. Although any summer following a Deployment is going to be better!

+We tried a new restaurant. They may have tried to steal from us.
The place is called Colorado Mountain Brewery. The beers are good, food is decent, but the bartender may be a thief. Check your bank statements people, because I was surprised that our first tab at the bar {for two drinks} was $34 dollars, and come to find out, the bartender gave himself an $18 tip. Nice try buddy. At least I got to rock my maxi skirt...

+Labor Day was a fun day at a neighborhood festival, and we can now say we have been to our first Tractor Pull. It's not uber exciting, but we were quite enthralled for about an hour.

I went for a Southwestern look, and wanted to try out my high-wasted jean shorts.
I think I actually like them, and will like them even more now that I'm slowly working off those Deep Dish calories. I distressed them myself, so if anyone is interested in a tutorial I may post one.

+ This week, my baby brother has become an adult.
My sweet baby brother that I changed diapers for and treated like my come-to-life-baby-doll, has fnally turned 18! As such, I got him a risque card that my mom probably rolled her eyes at. I don't think it was that bad...

+We had one of our semi-annual crabfests, and by that I mean we gorge ourselves on crab for no other reason that we both had a hankerin' for seafood. We also picked up our favorite pumpkin beer, and finally found Redd's Strawberry Ale. It did NOT disappoint, and it may even be my new favorite.

+Last, but not least, I would like to give you a great reason to online shop today.
Last month, I won a credit to Altar'd State from the amazingly wonderful Shanna. I fell in love with their site, and now that they are raising money for Breast Cancer Awareness, I am even more smitten. This month, they will be donating 10% of their net proceeds from every Monday, and that's enough incentive for me!

Check out the cute tops that I already got:

Time to go shopping. BuhBye!


  1. Tractor pulls were a big part of my life when I was now I think they are way too repetitive for my tastes!

  2. Wow! $18 tip for your bartender.. that's pretty fancy! Loving the shorts!

  3. Whoa! Nice tip...jerk!
    I love tractor pulls.
    Your outits are fantastic!
    Have a good week my dear

  4. $18 tip?! Sweet mercy - thankfully you checked that receipt! Gotta admit, never been to or understood tractor pulls, but glad you had a fun experience! :)

  5. Ok, how is it that you have been to a tractor pull, and I, who live in the country surrounded by tractors, have not?! We have one here every year, I just haven't gone! Farmer fail! hahaha

  6. That turquoise necklace is beautiful!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. I saw that strawberry ale on your insta, I must go find some it looks delicious.

  8. Ooh! I love redds! I need to try the strawberry!

  9. We love that brewery! But we go to the one up on Interquest - and have never dealt with shady people up there lol

  10. Cute! It sounds like a fun filled weekend! I hate when bartenders give themselves tips. I think it should be based on how the do. But that's just me. I love those tops! I'll have to stop by and take a look! :)

  11. those jean shorts look so cute on you! happy bday to your brother!

  12. I have never been to a tractor pull, but seems fun!!

    Check out the giveaway on my blog

  13. I want your haaaaaaaair!
    I don't understand the attraction of tractor pulls but Eric wants to see one someday! I prefer demolition derbys :)

  14. Crab fest?! What?! I need to go to one of these!

  15. I want your fat-less hips. Please.

  16. You've seriously never been to a Tractor Pull before this? Oh girl, you were missing out... lol :)

  17. Wow, he must have thought he was the world's most amazing bartender..
    I would love to go to a tractor pull one day! I'm pretty surprised I haven't been to one yet ha ha.


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